Friday, April 28, 2006

hello world

hmmmm....i really like body jar and sugar ray.
this clipping i'm sticking on is tom's fault. he's not here to appreciate me, so someone else had to. at least it's an automated response, not an actual person.
but he's home soon, so i'll be sane soon enough.
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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

cheers alex

1. What does your blog name mean?
it means i ran out of ideas....and was kinda into spider webs with dew on them
2. Elaborate on your default photo?
dont have one coz i dont like stalkers and everyone who comments/reads knows what i look like
3. Make up a question.
Alex sucks for nicking off with the best one....ummm....what is wrong with merrylands?!
4. What's your current relationship status?
not quite sane, and rather unsingle. not married tho.but have a lovely boyfriend
5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?
grey tshirt and spencer under, and underwear under that, plus 3/4 length nasty trousers i wore to clean the bathroom, + more underwear
6. What is your current problem? organisation wont refund money they should have, and i am too busy with stuff.
7. What do you love most?
love among people, acceptance and love and friendship
8. What makes you most happy?
knowing i cant screw everything up so much that everything is completely retarded, that God has His Hand over everything
9. Are you musically inclined?
rather. song is wonderful....i have music i need to possess.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
cero. God's plan.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
cat or bird. probably cat.
12. Ever have a near death experience?
almost got hit by a bus in paris. my fault.
13. Name an obvious quality you have.
i care and love a lot. even when it hurts. more than a few people know.
14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
song i wrote yesterday - Also You
15. Who did you cut and paste this from?
Alex! (Zahaquiel)
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
ummm...noone, im too special
17. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?
no, my own, yes
18. Have you ever been in a fight?
i shoved a girl a bit while she attcked my best friend. we were 8. it was not exciting
19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
height. if they seem to think im not an idiot.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
starbucks?!gah!fight capitalism man!...and...all the other stuff foamy ses. SQUIRRELLY WRATH!
24. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
nicole kidman. the ppl involved i think may not have ever seen nicole kidman
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
you suck for asking that. yes. stuff on ABC, in late arvo i get into
26. Did you have braces?
27. Are you comfortable with your height?
28. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
given me a flower pot with my favourite flowers growing in it....given me boxES of my favourite chocolates...given me a lil book of photos of us....those are up there right now.
29. Do you speak any other languages?
french is kinda ok, patient french speakers know what im saying, and a teeny bit of espaƱol
30. Do you have a crush on someone on your blog?
i have a very large crush on my boyfriend
Apparently they can't count though - there's two questions missing.

and NOW i am going to bed