Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thankyou Kathy, for that informative comment...

Ok people, you asked for this...

Is this the face of happiness???

I think so!
Now, i have noticed a NUMBER of people enjoying not naming themselves, after i EXPRESSLY forbade such action. although one did reveal himself through subsequent posts on tom's blog (nice work doug :D)
NOW, while i enjoy flaunting the system, this is restricted to all systems but MINE. i require a name. Queen victoria has done well, making the first step, however she has a)not indicated if she knows me nor b) given her ACTUAL identity.
please honour the actual queen victoria's memory by not asking how i know it's not the real queen victoria.
among other things, this individual is somewhat misguided, with claims that a queen outranks a matriarch.
with the exception of God, and the computing system in general, on this blog no-one outranks me. i am supreme. possibly Bec's monarchy might have a hope, but she's my daughter, so that won't work. because blood is thicker than water. and the House of Klauss (and its associate, the House of Snnnn) is an association stronger than nationality. also coz i REFUSE TO BE OUTRANKED!
:D i get to do that.
'sides, who'd take me on?
it has been asked where the squirrelly wrath is. i have withheld it. i believe it is more logical to reveal that squirrelly wrath is not the only danger here. far worse is letting ANGRY TREE LOOSE!!!

Is this the face of pure anger?ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THIS ON???

I didn't think so.
see you all soon, i love you all.
dougie, you shall be linked as soon as i can find the suitable superlative for your blog.
gros bises!
p.s.Tom is really really really really really really wonderful. really.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Get ready for a world of procrastination...

ok, tom said i'm not an angry person, and he should know, and he is under no
form of duress, so stop being mean, all of you.
and new rule, NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTING!it is simple courtesy to put your name
at the end of a comment if you are under the name anonymous. i am aware that
not giving a name may be the point of commenting as anonymous, but NOT ON MY

ok, now, witness the boredom_......_________________..................
_________...............................____\ ___________............................_____\ \__
______________...................__________\_ _________________..............___________ \ \____ \_________________________________________\_ /
HAPPY CLOUD!!!!!!__________________________\ /
__________________________________________/wow.......even i'm impressed. try to imagine it without the lines. blog mean ppl tried to push it all together and ruin it so you couldn't see that it was a cloud, and do you think i was gonna stand by and let that happen????
so i go around expending too much energy drawing a cloud that is happiest when hitting people with lightning, does that make me an angry person?
identify yourselves when you comment plz.
oh, and thankyou for helpful responses, which i can sum up as - don't hug guys unless you already do. it confuses them.
oh, and try to be gentler with girl hugs.
can do ppl...
well, ill stop shoving my shoulder into the necks of sitting-down ppl when i hug them, in any case.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Yay em.
Yay hairbrush song – tom hates it.
Yay kate.
tom is lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely.
oooohh.....i'm sorry. i've used you all. i've used you to bitch about my boyfriend...you may feel slightly soiled. i apologise.
i'm not really angry, but there had to be a penalty...tho this is slightly full-on.
oh well. i take you with me through all the ups and downs. according to kate, slightly more downs...

ok, FINE, something nice, i went to Tom's work yesterday. it was his first shift, and i decided i'd go and pick him up instead of his parents and surprise him, as i am a half hour drive away. i got there and saw him and waited, and he was serving a woman, and he looked up and said 'hey' very casually. after he got off work he was VERY excited...i said' were you surprised at all?' and he said 'yeah, but i was with a customer'.
STEP BACK! we have a professional!!!!
was funny, coz i told a friend at work about it, and we've both been working for the company that tom has just started with, for over 3yrs, and we split our sides, coz we are NOT that professional.
ok, thats the funny bit, and the nice bit is that tom was really happy, and i was really happy that i could make him happy. can anyone think of a another way to slip happy into a sentence??

OH!! i remember what i was going to blog about!!
help me - i know not the social etiquette.
can girls hug their guy friends??
ill be slightly more specific - can girls hug their guy friends that they havent known ever since they were born???coz if u have, its like a brother, and FEW ppl hug their brothers...
BACK ON TRACK: what do ppl think? coz i have guys friends, and they're cool, mainly in CU, and i dont hug them...i hug a few guy friends...very few...with whom i have looooooong friendships...but it's weird for me coz i hug all my friends who are girls all the time,i hug them goodbye, and then i get to a guy friend and im like'oh....ummm...yeah bye....have fun...'[run fast]
but would it be too weird?some guys are under-practiced at hugging, and many would argue thats a good reason to start hugging them, but i am aware that they might feel just TOO WEIRD...too much close contact.
+, with my friends who are girls (what an unwieldy phrase) i give them tight hugz, which is proper for girls, coz thats a REAL HUG, but with guys, might that be interpreted COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY???!!!
as i realise, tom is the only guy i give tight hugs to.
so? what should i do?or is this my problem that no-one wants to deal with??
lol, i would like to mention Em's dance of joy. it is addictive and cool. try it at home. close the door - joy can be impeded by embarrassment.
hugs and love and motherly nagging,

Friday, October 13, 2006


I'm a little grumpy.
my stupid links are stupid so most of the time it looks like ppl haven't posted till ages later when i actually refresh the pages and find all this stuff id been waiting for.
and my stupid assessments are stupid, not least of which is french coz im so freaked out that i'll just barely pass again, so i cant even think what to write, but also maths is stupid coz they want you to explain silly things just to prove that you understand that kids need to be taught maths.
for the record, i get that kids need to be taught maths. the non-painful way (which i have discovered during this course, i am learning)
and stupid work is making me work tomorrow when i have all this work to do...
i'm not normally grumpy...this is my sporadic spiel of spite.
........wow, i really am an english freak, you have no idea how much better that alliteration makes me feel =)=):D
tee hee.
oh, and i did half-swear on Tom's blog coz i was jealous that he and kathy were excited and i wasn't (HAH!NOW YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT!!SUCKERED!!)
but i do have to get up to go to work, and a friend from church is having his 30th tomorrow night, and my gut feeling is that i won't be fit to drive after working....but thats totally pushed on by the knowledge that i could get so much work done tomorrow night...so i'm biased, even though he's cool and i wanna be there.
but i did buy him a present, so it's ok, i might give that to him on sunday at church.

it's too hot. it got(became) the perfect temperature and just kept rising.itd be ok if there was a fan in the computer room....its in the garage. (the fan, not the room).
i bought a pretty dress for my cousin's wedding today!
i also had a blood test, but that was less exciting.
ok, bed time, and i hafta change to summer sheets...how am i going to SLEEP!!!???my fan is way noisy!!
work IS air-conditioned...ok, ill be ok.
night people stay safe, i miss all....ok, i am again a little glum.
ooohhh...glum is SO the right word!
lol.....oooooooo i am pitiful.