Friday, September 19, 2008

Go to bed alison

lol, i just looked at the aye-aye again. i think they're awesome and not 'theoretically' so, as some commenters seemed to believe, but REALLY real!

I really should go to bed. I should be

but instead i'm
...woah, search wide awake in google images. crazy land.

I'm really tired of the present assignment, and it isn't going away like they normally do, and it's getting to me.
I know that coz my activity at youth group was not to standard. it's so so stupid, because God is so far in control of it i should not spend any time worrying, - i didn't even realise i had a problem and then suddenly there was an extension for my group (which i so needed)
It's just last one really. then i become a real person (on a casual basis).

Oh, yes, i remember - it is very warm. suddenly it seems this seems to mean any girl should ditch her dignity and wear mainly a lack of clothing.

I shall not participate in this. I have a better understanding of the ramifications of this action now. As a 17 year old girl who understood sometime she looked vaguely ok, i did not consider that modesty affected people other than myself. And boys are sposed to like how girls look anyway, so i didn't care.

Now i understand more clearly that that's just unkind. Guys don't need to see excess of skin, and, i'll say it, cleavage. that image sticks, but it is unwelcome for most guys i am friends with. even my fiancé doesn't want to see it - because if i'm not his wife, he does't want to know about it. my other guy friends think similarly.

tv says if you're attracted to it, take it. but we know that you shouldn't take anything that isn't yours.

We should care. we should want to be kind to our guy friends, both with and without wives. we should give them a break, coz life is difficult enough with the media shoving women's bodies onto everything they want to sell in a way i am unsettled by.
It's too hot, don't give yourself heat exhaustion.
but with shorts, skirts and shirts, inches count. think about who sees you and what they have to see.

when it comes to faces, deal with it. i've been getting uglier all my life. you'll just have to be scarred.

to sleep, perchance to dream - but not about vampire weddings (if u wanna know, ask)