Thursday, September 30, 2010


So, I neglected my blog. Again. Big deal. It's always there for me when I look for it :D

I started a new (like, coz I'm so artistic, I'm always creating masterpieces...) art project.

Essentially, I do one mini painting for each of the 150 Psalms from the Bible. The idea is not to write the whole text, or even all the ideas, from each Psalm, but rather to record a main idea from each one in visual form.

It is HUGE. 150 PSALMS! Some are reeeeally long! NOT TO MENTION PSALM 119.......

The point is kinda to get a sense of the book of Psalms as a's SO BIG that each time i read it i almost feel like it's a new book. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I want an overview, a one-page thing. Well, one-enormous-taking-up-a-wall page thing, so that i can better understand this book of the Bible.

Psalm one is pictured. I enjoyed it very much, also the shopping trip to buy the canvasses and a new brush which is a DREAM.

Obviously the idea from Psalm 1 that I went for was the man of God learning from His law, like a tree planted by streams of water, and the man in rebellion to God becoming like chaff that is blown away.
