Friday, October 01, 2010

Psalms 2 and 3

Psalm 2

God set His Son on Zion, and He rules the nations.

Psalm 3

Though tens of thousands rise against him, the Lord will protect him.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


So, I neglected my blog. Again. Big deal. It's always there for me when I look for it :D

I started a new (like, coz I'm so artistic, I'm always creating masterpieces...) art project.

Essentially, I do one mini painting for each of the 150 Psalms from the Bible. The idea is not to write the whole text, or even all the ideas, from each Psalm, but rather to record a main idea from each one in visual form.

It is HUGE. 150 PSALMS! Some are reeeeally long! NOT TO MENTION PSALM 119.......

The point is kinda to get a sense of the book of Psalms as a's SO BIG that each time i read it i almost feel like it's a new book. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I want an overview, a one-page thing. Well, one-enormous-taking-up-a-wall page thing, so that i can better understand this book of the Bible.

Psalm one is pictured. I enjoyed it very much, also the shopping trip to buy the canvasses and a new brush which is a DREAM.

Obviously the idea from Psalm 1 that I went for was the man of God learning from His law, like a tree planted by streams of water, and the man in rebellion to God becoming like chaff that is blown away.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I do sleep in however...

Ah, holidays...
Ah, days in which I am not required to attend my usual place of work, nor interact with the inhabitants of my place of work, yet must prepare 10 weeks of information, skills and understanding to impart once I resume these tasks - or at least, should do so, otherwise the aforementioned 10 weeks would claim my sanity...
I had so many plans...What programs I would start up, what challenges I would design, what support I would create....
and at times I feel I'll be lucky to get my program done.
It will work itself out...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sick Day

Yet the day is not sick at all!!
So, let me check this again - I sit at home, am obliged to do no work, and allow a casual to do whatever seems good to them with my class, and watch as much tv and do as much blogging as seems good to me?!
What is this?
Deep down, I know I like resting, spending time chilling, having fun. But that's SATURDAY. IT'S NOT SATURDAY. THIS FEELS WRONG.
Technically, I am not well. It is true, my eyes having been watering intermittently and my olefactory system has been dramatically malfunctioning.
And I witnessed this affecting my professional capacity - the mums in reading groups looking ever so slightly freaked out by the noise and chaos my cherubs exhibited. It is ever so slightly possible that if I had been """"well""", I would have whipped my minions of evil back into line way before that.
Obviously, because I am upside-down, my body has completely taken out the virus during my relaxed morning, so I don't even FEEL sick anymore. And obviously, being upside-down, instead of enjoying a day off feeling good, I feel guilty for feeling good....
It occurs to me I may be sick in more ways than one.
groses bisous!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Something something, end of the year, happy happy, something something, red thing's connected to my wristwatch!

Sigh. I am happy.
Teaching was fun, I'm at this school fairly regularly now and it's so much fun, I'm known by everyone, so I feel welcome and loved :D
Fun stuff coming up with friends, Christmas is coming very soon...
and obviously, the wedding. of me. to tom.
God has taken very good care of me (obviously... He's God)but I also have learned more about trusting Him.

Something that still shakes me up is just being able to tell myself "Whatever is happening, and whatever I think is going wrong, God hasn't stopped loving me. He isn't busy doing something else. He hasn't forgotten me. He isn't annoyed at me. Whatever is happening, whatever I just did wrong, I am still in the palm of God's hand, and He has put me where He wants me to be. He has a plan for my life, and it involves me being right here, now."

Could sound a bit airy-fairy - i can only say this because Jesus' blood and life were shed to save me from damnation, and, resurrected, He now brings me into His Kingdom.

I mean, seriously, whatever is stupid and going wrong - God hasn't forgotten you! He's God! He doesn't forget anything! If it feels like you're stuck in a rut or nothing is happening or your plan hasn't begun to work - He's right there with you, and He is in control of all of it.

Yeah. This has definitely been learned recently.

BTW, did i mention i was having an awesome day? :D

hugs, a*

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Maybe I should eat something...

Another day. at home. jumping when the phone rings. doing assignments that would be utterly finished in moments if i cared. listening to whatever jumps out of iTunes. wearing a dressing gown. quite comfy, but resenting it.

casual work. still tired after walking for HOURS school to school yesterday. apparently all the teachers in the area are in good health.

it wouldn't be so bad if I'd done just ONE DAY of work - been called, gone somewhere, taught someone something, been paid once.

because part of the qualification of teaching is the experience. i can't call myself a teacher, i haven't taught!


Psalm 27. look it up. i will memorise it. i will make a song from it. i might do that now. wait... maybe i should eat something...

(lol i love symmetry)
love *a