Monday, September 26, 2005

oh the desolation of my...oh wait, no, i'm just ill

hey all (all 3 of you that is, unless someone else would just comment, darnit!)
actually, i am slightly desolated! my boyfriend is away, and IF he gets all his assignments finished PRONTO, then and only then i can see him-but only in 3 or 4 days! whatever shall i do???
i wrote a song for him actually...yes another one.....
but i would simply like to record my missingfulness of him. which is in abundance. and it's not even so much for his tight hugs or loverly kisses(which-i would like to make it clear- i am not discounting the value of) it's for HIM. and being held by him.
oh why not, im gonna go on for a bit, if you dont like it, you dont have to read it.
i miss talking to him and listening to him and walking along and playing silly games and stopping him being silly very quickly and happily and looking in his eyes and....oh, everything.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

ah, the art of underestimation...

it's odd.
I know it's apparently the tall poppy syndrome or something, but no-one wants to say they're any good at anything...or that they are special in any way...
i mean, saying, i am good at ... is not to say im better than everyone else in the whole world at...
but maybe we interpret it that way?
are we threatened by people claiming abilities? is pretending everyone is the same more reassuring for people who don't feel special?
is it possible that the people who don't feel special actually are special, but have forgotten they were, or suppressed it, so that someone else could be reassured??
well...maybe not. i personally don't understand myself when my boyfriend says im pretty...because i think deep down i think i look good, but when he says it i feel like he's just saying it, that it couldn't be true.
how does a person accept a compliment these days?


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

getting a passport is hard

there have been several stuffups on the part of the establishment in general which have retarded my efforts to get a passport.
i have been very accomodating of these people, very polite on the phone when they WAKE ME UP IN THE MORNING to tell me something else is wrong,
OH, and they all want too much money. it's hard to tell if i'm actually applying legitimately, or if i'm just bribing the post office.
tho i try to shun the cornish strange accented one, i kinda go for a weird yorkshire/jack sparrow mix
then tha' shalt see that i truly rule the waves like the bonny lass i am!

Monday, September 19, 2005

LAN tribute

i believe i mean a LAN and not a WAN, ask anyone from yr 10 computing and they'll tell you i'm not exactly in with the lingo and the deeper understanding of computers that its use entails.
-sorry, it's been a while since i posted...i'm a little full of words.
Tom and i went to Stephen's 19th last night/this morning....
was in fact my first time with a LAN, and was slightly apprehensive going in on my own eventually with Age of empires II, but i enjoyed myself immensely (yes, im a nerd, but it's tom's fault...)
what with my continuing wars with my neighbor over whether or not i had the right to burn down his lumber camp and whether or not he had a right to march a....large amount of catapults into my city centre and threaten to decimate it unless i became his ally, and of course my trade complications and dead sexy seige onagers etc....
if that meant nothing to you....
i'm sorry...i used to be there...but computers suck you in. just like tv. except this was worse...COMPETITION ;D
believe me, if you knew what i was talking about it'd be cool.
if you know what i'm talking can tell i'm completely disorganised and probably(not definitely) survived due to tom's gifts of wood, stone and gold.

ALSO, have upped my record of staying awake...was on a yr 12 camp and made it to 4am, thanks about 3 hours sleep..was unfun.
last night easily made it to about 5, woke at 7:40...was great. managed to feel sane enough to do kids church...then walk home and fall into bed.
i think i did well though. i felt as though i had slept ages.

oh, and just for social commentary....what is with people getting drunk whenever social decorum permits it?
people stumbling about, spilling beer..screaming with joy at everything...then just screaming...
drunk people allow standards of entertainment to be lowered coz they don't care...and the sober of us left have to deal with 3rd-rate entertainment...
i mean...i've seen some of my friends drink...and i'm not blind, i can see that some are craving any kind of release from things they've known...ironically the very things that resurface when they do get drunk...
but some people get drunk be cause they can't be bothered being more inventive, and don't understand that control over themselves and their actions is more valuable than they give it credit for being.
if alcohol is the only thing standing between you and boredom, and a possible crisis of identity and being....
then there is nothing standing between you and boredom, and a possible crisis of identity and being.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

soooooo...i'm the point that i'll overlook shocking spelling

You're first kiss will be beautiful. You're very
intune to the things around you and are a
slight perfectionist. Your love is pure, and
whoever you choose to share it with is lucky.
You're very romantic and know how to treat
people. Your kiss is a very strong part of your

What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
People see love in your eyes. You either love
everyone around you ooor...somebody's in
loooove, no? Seriously, though... You seem to
have a lot of love in your heart right now.
You're singing songs and picking flowers...or
at least you feel like doing so. And we can't
forget floating on air, right? Well, don't let
anyone ruin that for you, and if things don't
turn out...don't worry over it. There are worse
things, and you know it.

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
brought to you by Quizilla
Content love
You will have a Content love. Not
boring, but without fights and problems. You
will just... be in love. Simple as that. As a
person, your not the one who laughs highest or
most often, nor the one in the dark corner
crying. You are the one who sits watching
everyone else, often with a little smile
playing on your lips. To you, life is good and
you will get what you wish for. You will fall
for someone who is himself, and lets you be

Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars?
*cough*rate*cough* ^^

What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
brought to you by Quizilla