Thursday, September 22, 2005

ah, the art of underestimation...

it's odd.
I know it's apparently the tall poppy syndrome or something, but no-one wants to say they're any good at anything...or that they are special in any way...
i mean, saying, i am good at ... is not to say im better than everyone else in the whole world at...
but maybe we interpret it that way?
are we threatened by people claiming abilities? is pretending everyone is the same more reassuring for people who don't feel special?
is it possible that the people who don't feel special actually are special, but have forgotten they were, or suppressed it, so that someone else could be reassured??
well...maybe not. i personally don't understand myself when my boyfriend says im pretty...because i think deep down i think i look good, but when he says it i feel like he's just saying it, that it couldn't be true.
how does a person accept a compliment these days?


1 comment:

Kat said...

Yeah i know what you mean, but when it comes to boyfriends? a guy who reeeeeeeally likes you? It wont matter if you have 4 noses, 3 eyes and a big furry tail, THEY WILL STILL CALL YOU PRETTY!