Monday, December 11, 2006


in spite of matt's protests, i will now list all my nte quotes in one post.
hey, am i the only one that wasnt consulted of the blacktown ppl on nte's best quote???

anyway, here we go:
DRIVING TO CANBERRA(present- me, allison, jasmin, sarah, sandy):
allison:i'm using a banana to change gears!
jasmin: oh no, we're all going to die.

allison:hey, look at the gorge...thing...river!
alison:yay for the gorge-thing-river!
jaz:are we there yet?

question: why did you get to bed so late?
em: i was ironing and lost track of time
question(about em's bandaged finger):so, itll be alright?
em:yeah, itll grow back!(noone but kate or i seemed amused...but kate and i were almost suffocating with mirth)
question:how late did you stay up?
em: just until one.

alison:you're so evil matt
matt:tell me something i dont know
katherine t: i like frozen peas

matt: i bring joy everywhere

em:there is nothing i'd like better than you to drive over me in your car (NOT ADVISED!)

kate:ok, wake me up when you make a decision

bec:moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously (to get bec to write that down, i had to promise to only speak in 'what's up doc?' movie quotes for 5 minutes. i did it, too. EUNICE?there's a person called eunice?!)

jason: advance, ducks!(i have no explanation)

amanda: i said katus can't take honesty
kate:OH, WELL...that's ok

(a random guy with a movie camera showed up to chat's cafe as we were lining up, and amanda was worried that her nose was red)
kate(trying to make amanda less self-concious):charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs...towards the back)
alison:yeah. and the camera guy just left.

Amanda:this tastes funny
alison:does it taste like poison?
bec:what does poison taste like?
alison:if i knew that, i'd be dead
em:you could be rescued
amanda:STOMACH PUMP!!!

allison:yay!petrol station!now we don't have to stop on the freeway!
alison:with a sign saying 'CU people, pull over, we need to syphon your petrol".

(chris is playing with toys...happily.too happily)
bella:you're enjoying those toys aren't you?
chris: i was deprived as a child.

(after bec, kath, bella and i had REPREATEDLY performed the sheep dance...and been recorded...we were about to leave. we went to lock up...)
matt:no, its ok, mike's over there, behind the screen. he's been there the WHOLE time?

(after a good 10-15mins packing away all the cups and plates on the table, and JUST managing to make them fit in the cases...)
jasmin:you know what i just realised? there are still cups on the tables!
alison: -headfloor-

(arriving at the park)
alison:wonderful driving madam!
kate:wonderful navigation!
alison:why thankyou!
bec:it's self-congratulation sunday!
alison:better than nudity thursday
bella:don't wanna know, don't want to kno-ow!

(leaving the park)
katherine:we're going to adrian's. he's a got an Xbox.
bec:does he have a couch?

thankyou all.
go blacktown east pressie!!!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2006









p.s. georgette heyer rocks too.

While I'm winning at cards...

well!i think we all know a little more about each other now...don't you feel excited by all the discoveries we've made?
YAAAAAAAAAAY! NTE! woot! I am rather excited, although I should pack this some point...when i get off the internet....hmmmm...
i helped a friend at church to lead the youth group today..primary years, and it was heaps fun. i got chocolate!
however, i was a little late...she rang me to make sure i was coming, and i had forgotten the time it packed an obliging tom off to the station and drove to church rather quickly.
what an obliging young man he is. we bought mike and maddy's wedding present today and IT TOTALLY ROCKS!
I'M SO SORRY if i didn't mention it in conversation (i forgotted to tell kathy, and she was not impressed) I AM LEAVING THIS COUNTRY ON THE 16 OF DECEMBER, AND AM RETURNING TO MY HOMELAND ON THE 2...8TH(?) OF JANUARY!!
I will miss everyone well as english in general...please pray that me and my family will be safe...i get rather stressed overseas...something about vast bodies of water amd customs dividing me from my me the heebie-jeebies.
HAH!movie quote (i have reviewed this, look it up)
1:excuse me, we bozoes have the people
2:yay!the bozoes have the people!
1:up there!don't you just love the people?not a very lively bunch though.
3:do you have people? dead ones.
4:well, after all, if it we had the people, it wouldn't be called 'the wild', would it?
3:wait, you mean like, live in a mudhut, wipe yourself with a leaf kind of wild?
1:who wipes??!!
5:oy vey!
4:oy vey everybody!
6(everyone else): OY VEY!!!
tell me what movie that's from!
tom knows, he had to listen to me reciting it as we walked thru westfield.
I found a pretty picture, and i want you all to see it. i hope you all have fun over the next few days (2-10th), I KNOW I WILL!
oh, and call amanda tanya.
how is everybody???
love, sparkle*

Friday, November 24, 2006

LOL.....i love not being the only one.

Ok, i signed myself as 'sparkle' on Kate's blog (VISIT KATE'S BLOG!I COMPEL YOU!) coz i felt like it, then i thought that'd be a cool nickname, and then i was wondering how to make ppl start calling me sparkle.
i was talking to Becca(becca J, not bec f)and i asked how lame it would be it i asked ppl to call me sparkle.
she responded she's always wanted to be called Red.
and so now at least one person calls me sparkle, and one person calls becca Red.
AND THEN i thought if two incredibly cool ppl such as me and becca have wanted nicknames, then
a) it can't be that lame
and b) other ppl may have looked for nicknames!
does anyone have a nickname that no-one has had the insight to think of?
anyone at all?
ok, if you, don't, make one up.''ll be stuck with it.
ALSO i have finished, and it is so cool.but i didn't do much today.
that is not the point.
SOMEONE organise SOMETHING before i go mad, and before NTE.
(if anyone had the gall to say "GO mad?...?" then i shall amend it to GET MAD.)
how is everybody?and why don't i see anyone on msn??
lots of love, sparkle*
p.s. i miss cu...
p.p.s.OH!and Tom is teaching me how to ride a skateboard!!!
i know enought to know that that is hot.
tho i don't have a skateboard myself.
so eventually i'm just going to distract tom and nick off with his
which makes sense coz his is really nice
but i think i'd have a better chance making him put on trousers than i do stealing his skateboard without him noticing.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Yay - mostly other ppl's stuff

lol, i started writing what you say down again.

ok, while Chris was writing poetry( ok, serious poetry, very good, well-thought-out,sad poetry, which is actually based on his experience[excellent]but was a little tragic...mainly coz he was a little melancholy) pete, ash, sarah and i kinda went a little crazy with poetry of our own.
well, it would be crazy if it had gone on longer than a verse, but as pete says, when you force poetry like that, you kill it.
pete was insistent we mention a burrito.
we were all insistent everything should rhyme with burrito.
then we looked on the internet for rhyming words.
and came up with:
"You sustain me like a burrito
But give me fever like a mosquito
You're hotter than Danny DeVito
Till now, my life was incognito."
it's very beautiful.

later on we all went into the cafe in our post-CU manner, and many table were pulled together
me: wow, it's like a table farm
jasmine:yeah, like they're multiplying...the tables are having babies!!

yesterday, after maths, before leaving-
tom:i wanna go ho-ome!!
jonno:would you like some cheese to go with your whine??

today, in cafe, during a conversation that would have been scarring if it weren't so damn funny (FYI, dougie has a new way of insulting people, robbo thinks i have an unusual fragrance, jonno is completely au fait with the right comedy, and pete looked on and tuned out...till it was guys vs girls)
doug:how's chaos theory? pretty chaotic?
jonno: rather!!!!

let me find you another nice photo. i like them, and i like mine best.
LOL, oh this isnt quite nice, but it's funny for me, because you have to look at it!!!
i know, i like toying with people, but i haven't hurt anyone!....
oh shush.
this was on schoolies.yay!
big hugs and handshakes to you all.
many cuddle vibes too.
and a duckling. not a duck, they're a little annoying.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

me: how was your day? tom:good. well, long and boring

gah! i can never remember qq's anymore!gah!
...sigh...apologies to all who were there on monday and had to watch me and tom being stupid and, when i say fighting, you are all aware what i ACTUALLY mean is tickling him until he starts ignoring me...then some more.
actually, many of you looked quite wasn't funny according to Tom.
i guess it's kinda easy to be either a)incredibly self-conscious or b)over-reacting and hyperactive when you're being silly, your boyfriend is there, and your friends are watching.
by which i mean, i may have been being stupid coz ppl were watching. which isnt cool coz it's...i don't know, it's like i'm pretending to be me instead of being me. which is stupid, coz real me when im boring is better than fake me trying to make you laugh by annoying my boyfriend.
yay for everyone having photos. my dress was so hair less so. still, you all like me.
this week i had:
1xTEP assignment
1xfrench composition
1xspanish speaking test
1xfrench grammar test
and on thursday i have
1xspanish written test
1xfrench comprehension test

on sunday tom and i will have been going out for 18months, as in a year and a half...
that's just...odd.
i REALLY thought i was much more annoying than that.
oh, and matt's photos of mike&maddy's engagement night misrepresent, i like tom being weird, it's who he is.

things are FINALLY coming together for my trip to england, then france. ça me fait peur, car je suis toujours un peu inquiet, dans un pays etrangere, mais j'espere que cette fois je vais m'amuser sans cette anxiete. mais, en meme temps, je suis toujours inquiets, et il faut que j'aie plus de confiance en Christ, qu'Il va s'en occupe., it really isnt worth translating.
but i will be away most of dec and jan, hopefully NTE will be good. i think its too late to call them and say i accidentally enrolled myself in the OT thing, which is for 2nd time ppl, instead of the 1st. will it make a horrible difference???

here is a photo of the view behind tom's Nana Glen's house. i took this photo. it is very beautiful and calming. i miss Peel. no mobile reception....sigh...was wonderful
love from me*

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thankyou Kathy, for that informative comment...

Ok people, you asked for this...

Is this the face of happiness???

I think so!
Now, i have noticed a NUMBER of people enjoying not naming themselves, after i EXPRESSLY forbade such action. although one did reveal himself through subsequent posts on tom's blog (nice work doug :D)
NOW, while i enjoy flaunting the system, this is restricted to all systems but MINE. i require a name. Queen victoria has done well, making the first step, however she has a)not indicated if she knows me nor b) given her ACTUAL identity.
please honour the actual queen victoria's memory by not asking how i know it's not the real queen victoria.
among other things, this individual is somewhat misguided, with claims that a queen outranks a matriarch.
with the exception of God, and the computing system in general, on this blog no-one outranks me. i am supreme. possibly Bec's monarchy might have a hope, but she's my daughter, so that won't work. because blood is thicker than water. and the House of Klauss (and its associate, the House of Snnnn) is an association stronger than nationality. also coz i REFUSE TO BE OUTRANKED!
:D i get to do that.
'sides, who'd take me on?
it has been asked where the squirrelly wrath is. i have withheld it. i believe it is more logical to reveal that squirrelly wrath is not the only danger here. far worse is letting ANGRY TREE LOOSE!!!

Is this the face of pure anger?ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THIS ON???

I didn't think so.
see you all soon, i love you all.
dougie, you shall be linked as soon as i can find the suitable superlative for your blog.
gros bises!
p.s.Tom is really really really really really really wonderful. really.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Get ready for a world of procrastination...

ok, tom said i'm not an angry person, and he should know, and he is under no
form of duress, so stop being mean, all of you.
and new rule, NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTING!it is simple courtesy to put your name
at the end of a comment if you are under the name anonymous. i am aware that
not giving a name may be the point of commenting as anonymous, but NOT ON MY

ok, now, witness the boredom_......_________________..................
_________...............................____\ ___________............................_____\ \__
______________...................__________\_ _________________..............___________ \ \____ \_________________________________________\_ /
HAPPY CLOUD!!!!!!__________________________\ /
__________________________________________/wow.......even i'm impressed. try to imagine it without the lines. blog mean ppl tried to push it all together and ruin it so you couldn't see that it was a cloud, and do you think i was gonna stand by and let that happen????
so i go around expending too much energy drawing a cloud that is happiest when hitting people with lightning, does that make me an angry person?
identify yourselves when you comment plz.
oh, and thankyou for helpful responses, which i can sum up as - don't hug guys unless you already do. it confuses them.
oh, and try to be gentler with girl hugs.
can do ppl...
well, ill stop shoving my shoulder into the necks of sitting-down ppl when i hug them, in any case.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Yay em.
Yay hairbrush song – tom hates it.
Yay kate.
tom is lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely.
oooohh.....i'm sorry. i've used you all. i've used you to bitch about my may feel slightly soiled. i apologise.
i'm not really angry, but there had to be a penalty...tho this is slightly full-on.
oh well. i take you with me through all the ups and downs. according to kate, slightly more downs...

ok, FINE, something nice, i went to Tom's work yesterday. it was his first shift, and i decided i'd go and pick him up instead of his parents and surprise him, as i am a half hour drive away. i got there and saw him and waited, and he was serving a woman, and he looked up and said 'hey' very casually. after he got off work he was VERY excited...i said' were you surprised at all?' and he said 'yeah, but i was with a customer'.
STEP BACK! we have a professional!!!!
was funny, coz i told a friend at work about it, and we've both been working for the company that tom has just started with, for over 3yrs, and we split our sides, coz we are NOT that professional.
ok, thats the funny bit, and the nice bit is that tom was really happy, and i was really happy that i could make him happy. can anyone think of a another way to slip happy into a sentence??

OH!! i remember what i was going to blog about!!
help me - i know not the social etiquette.
can girls hug their guy friends??
ill be slightly more specific - can girls hug their guy friends that they havent known ever since they were born???coz if u have, its like a brother, and FEW ppl hug their brothers...
BACK ON TRACK: what do ppl think? coz i have guys friends, and they're cool, mainly in CU, and i dont hug them...i hug a few guy friends...very few...with whom i have looooooong friendships...but it's weird for me coz i hug all my friends who are girls all the time,i hug them goodbye, and then i get to a guy friend and im like'oh....ummm...yeah bye....have fun...'[run fast]
but would it be too weird?some guys are under-practiced at hugging, and many would argue thats a good reason to start hugging them, but i am aware that they might feel just TOO WEIRD...too much close contact.
+, with my friends who are girls (what an unwieldy phrase) i give them tight hugz, which is proper for girls, coz thats a REAL HUG, but with guys, might that be interpreted COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY???!!!
as i realise, tom is the only guy i give tight hugs to.
so? what should i do?or is this my problem that no-one wants to deal with??
lol, i would like to mention Em's dance of joy. it is addictive and cool. try it at home. close the door - joy can be impeded by embarrassment.
hugs and love and motherly nagging,

Friday, October 13, 2006


I'm a little grumpy.
my stupid links are stupid so most of the time it looks like ppl haven't posted till ages later when i actually refresh the pages and find all this stuff id been waiting for.
and my stupid assessments are stupid, not least of which is french coz im so freaked out that i'll just barely pass again, so i cant even think what to write, but also maths is stupid coz they want you to explain silly things just to prove that you understand that kids need to be taught maths.
for the record, i get that kids need to be taught maths. the non-painful way (which i have discovered during this course, i am learning)
and stupid work is making me work tomorrow when i have all this work to do...
i'm not normally grumpy...this is my sporadic spiel of spite.
......., i really am an english freak, you have no idea how much better that alliteration makes me feel =)=):D
tee hee.
oh, and i did half-swear on Tom's blog coz i was jealous that he and kathy were excited and i wasn't (HAH!NOW YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT!!SUCKERED!!)
but i do have to get up to go to work, and a friend from church is having his 30th tomorrow night, and my gut feeling is that i won't be fit to drive after working....but thats totally pushed on by the knowledge that i could get so much work done tomorrow i'm biased, even though he's cool and i wanna be there.
but i did buy him a present, so it's ok, i might give that to him on sunday at church.

it's too hot. it got(became) the perfect temperature and just kept rising.itd be ok if there was a fan in the computer room....its in the garage. (the fan, not the room).
i bought a pretty dress for my cousin's wedding today!
i also had a blood test, but that was less exciting.
ok, bed time, and i hafta change to summer am i going to SLEEP!!!???my fan is way noisy!!
work IS air-conditioned...ok, ill be ok.
night people stay safe, i miss all....ok, i am again a little glum.
ooohhh...glum is SO the right word!
lol.....oooooooo i am pitiful.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Eleven o'clock at night, a week before my birthday, and where am I?That's right, cross the street so you don't have to deal with me

yay, went out with girls from church to restuarant and had fun. ate chocolate fudge gelato.
are there more wonderful words than chocolate fudge gelato?
...I'm going to censor these names slightly, coz they don't read this, so it's not fair.
we were chatting, and C turns to R and ses
'yeah, do you find it difficult?'
c:well, before marriage, how you won't...
c:well, with like physical-
J:SEX, r. sorry if anyone was showing their children how the internet works and stumbled onto this blog, or if someone i really wanted to impress with my superior mind was just totally disillusioned, but it was so funny. j is a very cool person...with a great sense of timing.
oh, and guys? i can think of a relevant simpsons quote here.
...the one where marge is trying to join a country club, and this woman keeps shooting marge down, and marge's friend ses don't mind her, her idea of humour is a cleverly phrased observation delivered with impeccable timing.
or something like that.

oh, and in case anyone felt like knowing what is going on inside Tom's head?
T:"cheese, like vegemite and ping-pong, is an acquired taste"

(sigh) ah, turning 20.i kinda like being in my teens. no-one can tell you what you ought to be like coz it's all formative. but in your 20' hafta grow up.
you DO! i know many are avoiding it, but it's gonna happen!!

ballroom dancing rocks. even when you make up your own steps. that is all.
yay me almost finishing my assignments....only hafta cut out 400 words....
love that %10 grace.

feelin' a teeny bit sentimental. last night, had 15 mins before had to drive home, and Tom suggests reading the Bible, so we went and looked at 1John.
was good.
lol, i need a special made up word to describe the feelings there.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes - no.

(in maths, discussing a graph of the level of water in fred's bath, and as if that wasn't disturbing enough...)
nora:maybe he added flowers or petals, you know how people do?
katherine: his name's FRED,nora.

and in french, susan (not maths susan, my granddaughter, french susan)
:(looking at grammar excercises) excitment to the max!(it's funnier when you have experienced french grammar excercises.)

i should feel better about life, but i feel under-happy....sub-joyful.
of course, last night i was experiencing severe stomach cramps...the ones that i get coz i'm a GIRL, and was rolling around weeping and crying out to God to let the nurofen kick in, and kick in SOON...
hmmmm....that was really honest...
let's pretend i didn't tell you about that.
i do have a haircut, and it does make me feel good, coz its short, so i feel like im twelve again. i was really cool at 12.
and i'm really cool now.
really looking forward to monday tho. should be a fun day. so not bubbly, and that annoys me, coz i love being bubbly. but ive crashed. i was watching tv and reading books and cleaning bathrooms and putting out washing today. i slept in, which was kinda nice...
ok, 50 points to samuel for wishing me a happy 20th, for some reason it made me feel kinda happy...maybe i'm so narcissistic that my own celebration of existence is the only thing that makes me feel good.
yup, that must be it!
oohh ...'fabulous party your majesty, i haven't seen this much love and contentment in one room since Narcissus discovered himself' WHAT MOVIE IS THAT???i kno
AND amanda and i decided on friday that maddy gets a prize. we have no idea what it is, but she so gets one.
and i am taking this opportunity to state my opposition to using the phrase that consists solely of the letters 's' and 'n', in kate's convention. i think the book she made is awesome, but without a standard definition of what the term means, i fail to register it.
tom's still nice. was angry at me for a while for distracting him unintentionally in monopoly, so that his youngest brother didnt have to pay him close to a thousand dollars...
then he was ignoring me coz i pay him slightly more attention when he's ignoring me, and he likes to feel wanted.
man, i need a so dead-ish!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

wow....i'm still tired.

maybe i shoudn't have done that shift at work today. i still have to finish various readings and print off an assessment...and i start work at 7am tomorrow.
here i am.
everyone seems to be exhausted.
i would like to mention a few things.
1st - -qq
me:i have to clean my room today
katherine: i find things when i clean my my was broken.

she rocks.

don't get me a gift, i know i forgot your birthday and i never got you a present. don't make me feel more ashamed than i am. you're not that kind of person.
yes YOU!
someone tell me their birthday and ill make a list.
but i will be 20!!how weird.ill finally be the same age as some of my grandchildren :D

OH 50 points to tom for taking my library book back to the library and doing photocopies from it for me, then coming by work and giving them to points. he really didn't have to. and he helped/made/bossed me cleaning my room yesterday. it sparkles now. mum doesn't understand.
FYI, try not to see wedding crashers. you don't want to see it. esp not with anyone you're related to. i mean...eeeeewwwwwwwww.

AND!holidays are coming very soon. i have to do 2 interviews with my cousins for education, and i have to sleep for 3 consecutive days, AND i managed to get the 18th off, so i'm going to the women's day, and hopefully the pizza and movies after...YAY!
and i have to work on assessments.

unfortunately, the amount of work to be done means i can't sleep in on wednesday. there is a word to express this annoyance. bum.
sometimes i wish i liked coffee. one can't help feeling it would come in handy.
DON'T TELL ME HOW TEA IS BETTER, you know what i do to tea, and why i prefer just to respect it and leave it alone.

when you see tom, tell him he's a legend. you know it's true.
or, you know, think up your own word. otherwise he might think you didn't mean it.
save ferris *xa

Friday, September 01, 2006

stuff it up, it's a mistake. do it again - it's a riff.

i am tired, it is late, and i am working tomorrow.
but then, no. 'sides, i could be doing homework or checking the map that i know where i'm going tomorrow.
but i am here. and i seem to have built up a resistance to homework.
i would like to say that i have noticed how rarely i am online, and it bugs me coz i'm not as with 'it' as i was, in a similar way to how i haven't been able to hang out with Cu girls that much this week, which bugs me coz they rock and im related to them. AND everyone sucks for talking about the social coz i wasn't there i was at work and it sounds like so much fun. but i was at the bushdance, so 50 points for me.(OOH, and 50 points for ben w. coz he navigated tom and i there and back again very ably. woo ben)
i miss everyone. if i haven't talked to you, i miss you. if i have, i also miss you.
oh, few quotes-

ME: (looking at a poster) 1936. what happened in 1936?
BEN:well, world war two...hadn't started.

NORA: ooh, it's raining!

NORA: (looking at newspaper) is that guy grabbing his crotch?
(Alison and Katherine both scan the library)

AND I bought a hair straightener this week, and it works, but FEW know this coz FEW have even seen me this week! argh - i cannot deal withsolitude at all.
AND 50 points for tom being sweet about me tho not under duress, posting on his blog. as i recall tuesday before last was very nice.
yeah, note to everyone...tom is amazing, and so very very precious.he aint goin anywhere.
i miss you all and i want to know what's going on, so find me at uni and tell me.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

deep breath...and i posted something else under this so make sure you read it


*Full name: alison.....

*Birth date: october 7 1986 (yay im older than kimmy)

*Age: 19

*Location: sydney australia

*Your zodiac sign: libra. apparently thats why i like pretty things...coz thats so uncommon

*Height: 170...somethingcm

*Eye color: green blue brown

*Hair color: brown...blonde in sunlight

*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: lefthanded, aka awesome!

*Favorite TV show: hmmmm...futurama atm

*Favorite movie: le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain (i nicked kim's...i actually do love it tho)

*What's your favorite flavor of snapple:we don't sell that this side of the border

*Favorite board game: most...trouble is good

*Favorite magazine: meh...(yes its a magazine)

*Favorite food: chocolate

*Least favorite food: tomatoes

*Favorite ice cream: triple chocolate OR chocolate GELATO (coz gelato rox)

*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: this rose perfume that i got from the fragrant gardens that i like NEVER use coz it smells so nice. but normally?the body shop strawberry perfume TOM bought me...albeit with a hint.

*Favorite subject in school: hmmm...drama was coolest...but ancient history was the most amusing...i have the quotes to prove it

*Least favorite:french was really frustrating from time to was english..and legal...and...:D

*Favorite drink: chocolate thikshake / fanta/solo

*Favorite CDs: i have some i intend to buy that are good...but blink 182 greatest hits is good.

*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: sleep,get uni work done, watch movies, hang with friends

*Best advice: realise who is in control, and that it aint you, and that that's a good thing.oh, and talk to your Saviour. He wants to talk to you.

*Your favorite artist/group: the greats atm...

*Your favorite holiday:Christmas because it's an awesome time with my family and an awesome thing to celebrate God's love for us AND many holz

*What's your favorite color? ew much did school stuff your head??yellow, blue and green thankyou. think the sun rising over hills and sea.

*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: tresemme, not coz of the faux-cool name, but coz its ultra cheap, comes in big bottles, and works pretty well.

*Person/s that know you the best: ppl

*Loudest person that you know: rachel from u all know

*Craziest/silliest/wierdest person that you know: woah...rachel again

*Favorite friends to hang with: ALL my friends

*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: my paternal grandmother...

*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: oh come on, EVERYONE KNOWS!!!
(but like i could resist) THOMAS!!!!!

*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: hmmm...nice...bella, and amy d. from school...everyone else is
way too crazy to be nice

*Who's the person you admire most: my mummy

*What do you feel about the Ouija board: the same way i feel about stupid things that are stupid

*Do you believe in yourself: i believe in God. He takes care of me.

*Worst feeling in the world: guilt

*Best feeling in the world: being loved

*Do you have motion sickness: rarely

*Are you for world Peace: "what does our society need?" "harsher punishment for parole violators, stan......and world peace" Jesus will return and make all things new. which is not to say i'm against peace, i am for peace, but when He comes it will HAPPEN.

*One thing you want to change about yourself: my vanity

*Are you a health freak:
*Do you have a crush: on tom

*Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend: tom

*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: tom

*For Girls- like guys with or without hats: whatever tom's
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:

*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: height

*Who was your first crush: the boy with the red jumper at preschool...don't say anything.

*Have you ever been in love: as i understand it, no.

*What do you remember most about this year: france

*Memory (thing) you miss the most: sleep.chocolate. tom

*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: HA!work didn't call!WOOOO

*Were you "cool" 5 years ago: i was...14 turning 15. ah. when i was 14, yes. when i was 15, no.i
was a nigel. i was still wonderful, but i was too upset to be cool.which is not to say being upset isnt cool, or negates it. i just wasnt.

*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time:no.

*If you could go back in time would you: no

*What would you change: rien
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years:ummm...teaching...possibly having done missionary work...or doing.and married.probably.i'm pretty nice.

*Future Sons names:meh

*Future Daughters names: Isabella, Grace Annabel, Janet Rebekah

*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: id love to be singing or acting, but lacking talent, id be a teacher.

*What is your dream car/truck: hmmm...those cute bmw mini thingys with the soft top. hot.

*Where do you plan on living after getting out of school: someplace near a school where ill teach

*What age do you want to be when you get married:24+

*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: next to. she's a tigress named sally

*What do you wear to bed: warm pj's

*If you could dye your hair one color what color would it be: i did do white blond on
the last three/four inches

*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: a rose on the back of my neck. not coloured.

*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: innie.

*Any piercings....where: 2 ears, one navel

*What's on your walls in your room: dolphins, monet, van gogh

*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: please tell me wouldnt think it of me

*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys:farout no, i aint no nerd

*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: not as yet.
*What's on your mouse pad: aapt....what i assume is a guy with a ladder in a rush

*How many rings before you answer the phone:am i awake?

*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: no. animals love me. im like sleeping beauty. not cinderella.not snow white.

*Is the glass half empty or half full:why cant you people fill up a glass?

*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: bbq'd, hands. anything else, fork

*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: jelly, coz its edible and not muddy

*What is the best number in the world: 7

*Would you rather give or receive: if i picked a good opresent, give

*How many homes have you lived in:seven

*How many schools have you been to: five

*Do you play any instruments: flute 3/4th grade, guitar...couple of chords. and i sing nice.

*Words or phrases you overuse: awesome!cheers.thanking you.meh.

*Toothpaste:once a day...twice if i like you.

*Do you get along with your parents: coz theyre cool

*Favorite town to chill: regentville

*Thunderstorms- cool or scary: damn cool

*Roller coasters-cool or scary: so cool

*Do you like to drive: dependes where im going and if anyone else is on the road.

*Chocolate or vanilla cake: chocolate

*Drinks, with or without ice cube: without

*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: give money to all the charities i could find before i had time to think about it.

*Favorite commercial: that ad where the mum's at the doctors, and the kids is mucking around and the mum is nervous. the doctor comes in and ses "we've checked his lungs, heart, kidneys, liver and spleen...he's got cancer" the mum ses "cancer??"...then breathes a deep sigh of relief. the doctor smiles and passes over a pill bottle "give him one of these twice a day. it should be gone in a few weeks"

*Favorite cereal: froot loops. its been years...mum seems to have something against them

*Something you'd like to try: having a band

*What would you do on a first date:be paranoid

*Any hobbies: spending way too much time answering questions about myself, and i think i was just cured.

House of Klauss

ok, here we go. i know manda already did one of these, and did it well, but i get to do this and not get in trouble coz i'm her grandmother.
GENERATION 1: ME,alison, younger than most of this family, and Tom, who is in Sicily, but pays child support,but is generally uninvolved...voluntarily.

GENERATION 2 daughters Katherine, Nora and Bec.

GENERATION 3:Katherine's daughters Amanda and Susan and Emily, Bec's son Pete

GENERATION 4:Amanda's daughter Bella

IMAGINARY FRIENDS:Katus, who belongs to Bella
i repeat, additions and changes must be reported to me.this is a serious commitment to...something.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Because it's late and i should be in bed -

I decided some things couldn't wait.
FIRST, i don't know my stance on the my-own-little-world epidemic that Kate has noticed in me - when i'm listening to music, i tune the world out. it's very relaxing that way. it's like i'm in a bubble. it's at max potency when you wear sunglasses. then aint NOBODY making contact without your saying so. when you aren't wearing glasses you can't pretend not to see people, coz you look fake and mean.
OBVIOUSLY had i seen kate i would have waved and jumped around like a maniac - AS I DID TODAY WHEN I SAW KATE AND CALLED OUT HER NAME, ONLY TO SEE HER KEEP WALKING. i kept yelling till she turned around :D
but sometimes you really would prefer not to notice things and people. recently i was on the bus and (it's kinda my fault, coz i like sitting near the back, it feels more fun) a group of high school guys sat VERY near me, and started talking. part of the conversation was who was angry with whom, but the other...they were discussing some girls they knew. the word offensive isn't exactly correct, coz i was not discussed, but...yeah, revolted will was nasty. 16 year old boys who seemed to lack relationship's not a pretty sight (NOW, if they'd paid attention in SCHOOL...).
oh, i also want to mention how crap stomach cramps of the once-in-a-month variety are. i couldn't go to bible study tonight. and we are hot-water-bottle-less. AND almost out of heron, WHICH barely works anyway.
but i did get to watch futurama.
still, uncool feeling horrible, ESPECIALLY in french class while the tutor just goes oooooooon, and i grip the table till my knuckles go white.
yay tom having pain-killers. he's my hero.
or did i already mention that?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

i don't know who to blame for this...

i'm partly blogging coz becca told me to, partly coz she guilted me into it, and partly coz i have something to say:
(ahem) was anyone aware that our current pop culture image of an 'angel' and all the representations of angels with feathery wings can all be traced back to greek representations of the goddess Nike(chick with wings growing out of her back) and hermes(feathery wings growing out of his shoes or his hat, depending on who you talk to)!
it's so obvious when you think about it. i mean, no one ever actually thought angels really had wings from the bible. nowhere are angel wings mentioned in the Bible, it's all about people dressed in bright white. THEY WOULD HAVE MENTIONED DIRTY GREAT WINGS GROWING OUT OF SOMEONE'S BACK, as my minister commented.
ALSO, while we're on the topic, cherubim and seraphim, in short angels, do not look like children with wings and no clothes. if they looked like that, they would not have been sent into war as occurs in the Bible - revelation - nor would the reaction they are given by almost everyone who sees them prompt them to start talking with 'DON'T BE AFRAID!'. an angel stood at the entrance to the garden of Eden blocking it from adam and eve who had been sent out. the angel in question was wielding a flaming sword. are we recieving the impression that these ones who are sent from God as messengers are a teeny bit more terrifying that we thought?
i mean, the sistine angels are cute, obviously, but you know why they are cute?COZ THEY LOOK LIKES KIDS, AND KIDS ARE CUTE.that has nothing to do with angels.
as in a quote from somewhere that i should have rememebered coz it would make me sound so much more intelligent: 'a lovely poem Mr Pope, but you must not call it Homer'

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I am joyful. now he can drive me everywhere!
OH i am kidding.
but it is really cool.i'm very proud of him.
he's my boyfriend. I get to be proud of him. he's wonderful.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My mother thinks i'm odd. It seemed reason enough to blog.

Ok, i saw two films
ok, i won't tell you how it ends...hmmm...i'd really like to ruin it tho. ill keep you posted, if i'm going to be evil i'll give due warning.
ok, the film is set 5 yrs AFTER the whole legend superman thing, which FYI i wasn't exactly au fait nor au courant with (don't worry, a french person reading that would say it was tautology anyway :P). Ok, superman boggered uff for about five years, and comes back to find people have changed, his girlfriend's not his girlfriend, and Lex Luther aint out of the picture.
I ruined nothing.if that radically changed your idea of what was going to happen,you're thinking of the wrong film.
REVIEW: (who am i kidding,putting that in capitals does nothing to ensure i won't digress)
ok, film is pretty long, and some bits of it i find annoyingly purist (ie that kitty g/f of Luther's...who'd keep her around that long??!BUT!she was played by Parker Posey - YAY for parker posey! - as seen in 'A mighty wind'...and those other two ones...the dog show one and the musical one - IT'S A SATIRE PEOPLE!!)
BACK to the review, the actors were good, superman is...he resembles strangely everyone who ever played him (shockingly, as they were all almost covered in blue FYI superman wears his undies on the outside coz originally at one point superman wore no blue SUIT, but was PAINTED blue, and thus some sort of loin cloth was required, so BACK OFF the red undies!)
ummm...reporter girl...named...LOIS LANE (had to look it up) she wasnt as annoying as i'd thought..she was pretty good, and i like...also...the family members that appear...
AHEM!plotline...not exactly there, apart from typical ->bad guy has a plan, good guy goes to stop it,people get caught up in the crossfire. wahoo.
cinematography and special effects ...AND WHOEVER IT WAS creating the graphics of the galaxy - YAY FOR YOU!!VERY VERY COOL PEOPLE!!
script...non-annoying...i guess.
ending - i wasnt that attached to the dream, so it wasnt that important to me, but it was ok, tho left SEVERAL QUESTIONS unanswered...ok, certain conclusions were drawn,but no consequences were played out, which is STUPID.
however, i really enjoyed the experience, and could follow the story tho having previously cared nothing about the legend. and a half stars.

i don't care whether you say carRIBbean or carribBEan, it's an addictive phenomenon. may have something to do with the prescence of orlando bloom and johnny depp. i saw this with my darling Tom (1yr2mnthstoDAYYAYYAYAY)so it has nothing to do with those actors for me :D.
OH MY GOODNESS,HOW MANY laws of the universe of the first film were completely screwed around for this one!!???
seriously, don't expect logic. if they want something to happen in this film, it's gonna happen. no matter how DEAD anyone was.(DEAD!!)or totally readjusted in one, and suicidal in another.
ummm...oh, and completely cutesy thing:
GUY WHOSE NAME I CANT REMEMBER:Im looking for a Jack Sparrow
WILL &ELIZABETH:(jumping in so fast it's impossible,with an agression traditionally seen with lionesses for thwarters of their cubs)CAPTAIN!
LIZ:CAPTAIN, jack sparrow.

ok, so i get that they have a few amused, perhaps fond memories of the unforgettable CAPTAIN jack sparrow,but they act like he personally saved their entire families from certain death, and would marry him themselves if time and circumstances permitted!!
ok, storyline/plot/up-late drunken stream of thought->...ok, it's better than that makes it seem, ill admit. i could follow what people were doing, and the RANDOM situations people ended up in were VERY funny...laughed out loud a LOT in this one,stuff made sense for the most part.
how dare they?
johnny depp - did so well, loved it, great character, good for a proper laugh
keira knightley/elizabeth: (YES im going to blame keira for everything that's wrong with her character!) ok...not as annoying as last time, tho the opening scene is REALLY confusing.AND there's a scene where three guys are fighting and liz just stands and yells at them and throws rocks at them,like swordfighting used to seem logical to her but now she's totally disillusioned and it's all their fault.
AND ALSO - WHAT was up with the elizabeth+jack vibe??OH YES, they went there!it was interesting in the first one, and amusing, but in this actually wanted that to happen. i blame ppl who decided...that certain characters should...interact...with certain other sell the film better.
orlando bloom...should take himself less seriously more often.its really good when he doesnt.but when he swears promises and refers back to them...he's a little he thinks he's the hero of this story, instead of the sidekick.
all in all, i really really liked it,i know it doesnt look it, but i subdued everything that made no sense in order to enjoy the film. i was very successful and had a great time,but it's all surfaced.
COOLER than superman returns,and takes itself less seriously,and way funnier, and for better reasons,BUT sold out and made a third that they did not release at the same time.
WOULD BE 4 STARS,but i get to put penalties. so 3 and a half for pirates. ha ha ha.

I'm the best reviewer in the world, i should be paid.
no, not you thomas, put the money down. buy me a cat.
no don't really
~love to the family, alî

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I was camping for a lil while.
how is everyone?what's everyone up to?
camping was very nice thankyou.
Had a lovely day yesterday watching DVD's at Becca's, yay! and by the time i got home...well, i felt a little more human, after being next to the same person for 5 days 24 hours a day. In fact, that same person once again inspires me very much. I mean, you get a little tired....and then you realise/remember how special someone is to you. AND YOU'RE ALL SPECIAL TO ME!!
yay for everyone.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Good grief

It's 12:03 AM,(i dont care what that stupid timer ses, might be that time in AMERICA)and despite my full capacity to message, my boyfriend insisted i go online(in that he messaged saying to go online coz i didnt have credit, then refused to reply when i showed that i DID).so here i am.dutiful as ever. what i wonderful girlfriend i am.(ok, i would be if i weren't on my blog bitching:D)
hey, what else would i be doing? SLEEPING???!!!
i think not.
well, if anyone stands a chance of getting me online when i'm tired, it's him.
i love everybody.comment because you love me back.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


hey all....
i was checking out this quiz in sympathy with becca, coz she's been hounded by rigged i tried my luck, but i don't know who the guy is that it came up with.Still...interesting...ish.
but check out becca's blog, it rocks. she has cake!

Which Star Trek Character are you?

Captain Benjamin Sisko
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

wooow, many graphics...lotsa code

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Fairy to Bath..stop doing math...evil hath...

Who on earth is this 'Gary' character? His picture looks like he's advertising a watch or a cologne! He sounds like a very sympathetic individual,but i'm pretty sure i have never made his aquaintance.
But at least he commented!much could be said of the lack of proportional comments of people who actually know me!
and don't use the excuse that you'll tell me when you see me, the commenting function is important, as 'Gary' (if that is your real name) has demonstrated by provoking me to post merely by offering a friendly word!
Thomas - you're always online, don't deny it, comment (if only to protest your lack of obligation to comment, or to celebrate the vegemite war)
Kathy - i am now visiting your blog to comment. sometimes your blog doesnt let me comment. if this is the problem, well and good. if not - squirrelly wrath for you!
kimmy - ditto.
anyone else who reads this - i don't even know that you read it!disgraceful!COMMENT!
This place is a commenting wasteland.
p.s. 'Gary' had better not been some sort of online salesman or he will be fed to fairies. Oh yes! they eat more than nectar!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

'I'm a vegetarian, well I'm not hardcore because I eat meat, but only because I like the taste. So morally, I win' - Dylan Moran

Hey all. Tom was quite concerned by my last post - not that he COMMENTED! He reckons i should delete it now because it sounds so distressed. but i refuse to edit my history of emotions, i'm way too narcissistic for that. However i figure i owe you people pics....
how in the hell do i do that?.....ah, i see.
this has been my completed quest. I am victorious once again.

Friday, June 02, 2006

It's one of those nights...

man, i seriously need to vent. if you don't care, go somewhere blog. my problems...those pretty pictures don't come out of nowhere.
oooook. i'll do happy things towards the end of this. happy stuff can always wait. you never feel as compelled to blog when you're happy.
there is NOTHING on tv, was a good movie on SBS before,but we have crappy reception.
ok was watching 'the banger sisters' because i was THAT BORED (it is NOT a film which i endorse...largely because it has goldie hawn in it, but when nothing is on...)
anyway, and these two sisters are chatting about their mother and their problems etc etc, and i got so depressed....i know i'm prone to this drama queen depression all the time...but seriously, if i chatted to my sister about personal problems like that....i'd have to make some sort of joke or entertaining in some way...
and we never chat like that. well, we chat, but it's never personal, if she wanted to talk about something personal she'd talk to one of her actual friends, or maybe her boyfriend, not that i've ever met him, though he apparently knows about one of the more embarrassing incidents of my life, because it entertains her to tell people. i get slightly more information than my parents, which isnt much at all. all i get to hear is that whatever she told my parents, it was slightly worse, and she didn't say so so that they wouldn't freak out. not that they would anyway, FYI.
we only chat from time to time about my life because i want her to know, i want to share, because im trying to actually have a relationship here. i ask her about her life and if she's in the right mood she'll give me a sentence in reply, otherwise she'll just ignore me. i don't even know if she's a christian, and i lived in the same house as her for most of my life.
it doesn't help that i know that, ideally, she'd love to be on the other side of the world. the person i am (BIOLOGICALLY) closest to would rather be on the other side of the world. fan-bloody-tastic.
farout, when i have kids (yes, WHEN, i'm nice enough, and even if i can't have children i'm adopting) im so having them closer together...the age difference between us just makes her more inclined to see me as her pet.
well, not hers. her parents'.
if i was older she might think that i have more of a right to claim her attention. not that she doesnt care at all, not that she doesnt talk to me, not that she doesnt think im interesting.

it's just all on her time. she sees me because we are related,not because she likes me.and she's my sister, and i love it sucks.
and it's stupid, but this is as good as it gets expressing it.
man, now i feel worse than i did when i started typing. serves me right for sharing.

in addition (yes, im about to talk about GOD. OH NO! because i dont think God sucks suddenly my opinion doesn't matter.
i love God. He loves me. He loves me more than i ever had any right to expect. He would have been well-advised to get rid of me a long time ago, because of what i've done to Him.
But instead of chucking me out, He sends the person He loves best to be KILLED so that i'm ok, and that He and i can start again.
anything i do will never be enough to pay Him back, and He doesn't care, so long and He and i can be how we should be. and we are. and i'm such a sucky person, i'll never stop re-realising how He loves me and how amazing its going to be when i see Him.
And a person i care about reckons that God hates him. to the point that mentioning God makes him cringe. and it's so wrong because i know how much God loves's so horrible, he doesn't think he's all that good, but he's a great person, and farout, if God did all that for me while i'm sooo....then God LOVES this guy, what's more He made him and knows what he's like and wants him to understand how much He loves him.
it's horrible the way this guy thinks God just judges him and doesn't care about him.
because i think it breaks God's heart.

ok, come on, happy happy joy joy (;P tom and justin)
Tom and i have been going out over a year. it's so weird, because he's not bored with me, he still likes me and treats me as though im incredibly special.and he's still so sweet and smart and....not an idiot like a lot of guys, you know?he tries to annoys me when he wants attention, but he knows crap when he sees it, and he knows important things should be treated importantly.
he's a Christian, as am i, he actually recognizes that for how important it is and HELPS me being in a relationship with God. and i can't think of a more amazing guy God could have brought into my life.
the other week we actually fought for the first time. it was great.
not the fighting, at the beginning we got kinda annoyed at each other and that sucked, then we started actually explaining what we meant, and that was ok, but the way we figured out what the problem was, and addressed THAT , it was such a beautiful thing, because it WASNT easy, but we did it anyway, because i know that he's so worth it, and he reckons i'm someone he wants around for a long time.
it made me happy.
happy is good.
oh, and WHILE I'M HERE...
im pretty sure one of my friends recently lost her virginity, and that annoys me so because this guy, no matter how much she likes him, was not worth it, and thats something she has to deal with for the rest of her life now.
no guy is worth it before marriage. tom isn't worth it before marriage.
because it means that you're taking that away from your future husband. and it's significant. i dont want my husband to feel that there's something hurting our intimacy, and i dont want to screw with someone's wife's feelings of security about her husband.
coz it would break my heart if my husband had slept with some girl ages ago. someone else is in a domain NO-ONE else gets to be in. it shouldn't be.
ok, i'm done.
ill go find some pretty flowers...

Friday, April 28, 2006

hello world

hmmmm....i really like body jar and sugar ray.
this clipping i'm sticking on is tom's fault. he's not here to appreciate me, so someone else had to. at least it's an automated response, not an actual person.
but he's home soon, so i'll be sane soon enough.
The Perfect One
You scored 71 judgment, 68 compassion, 70 intelligence, and 61 sense of humour!
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Link: The Are You Just Another Girl? Test written by acousticallyemo on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

cheers alex

1. What does your blog name mean?
it means i ran out of ideas....and was kinda into spider webs with dew on them
2. Elaborate on your default photo?
dont have one coz i dont like stalkers and everyone who comments/reads knows what i look like
3. Make up a question.
Alex sucks for nicking off with the best one....ummm....what is wrong with merrylands?!
4. What's your current relationship status?
not quite sane, and rather unsingle. not married tho.but have a lovely boyfriend
5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?
grey tshirt and spencer under, and underwear under that, plus 3/4 length nasty trousers i wore to clean the bathroom, + more underwear
6. What is your current problem? organisation wont refund money they should have, and i am too busy with stuff.
7. What do you love most?
love among people, acceptance and love and friendship
8. What makes you most happy?
knowing i cant screw everything up so much that everything is completely retarded, that God has His Hand over everything
9. Are you musically inclined?
rather. song is wonderful....i have music i need to possess.
10. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
cero. God's plan.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
cat or bird. probably cat.
12. Ever have a near death experience?
almost got hit by a bus in paris. my fault.
13. Name an obvious quality you have.
i care and love a lot. even when it hurts. more than a few people know.
14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
song i wrote yesterday - Also You
15. Who did you cut and paste this from?
Alex! (Zahaquiel)
16. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
ummm...noone, im too special
17. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?
no, my own, yes
18. Have you ever been in a fight?
i shoved a girl a bit while she attcked my best friend. we were 8. it was not exciting
19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
height. if they seem to think im not an idiot.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
starbucks?!gah!fight capitalism man!...and...all the other stuff foamy ses. SQUIRRELLY WRATH!
24. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
nicole kidman. the ppl involved i think may not have ever seen nicole kidman
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
you suck for asking that. yes. stuff on ABC, in late arvo i get into
26. Did you have braces?
27. Are you comfortable with your height?
28. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
given me a flower pot with my favourite flowers growing in it....given me boxES of my favourite chocolates...given me a lil book of photos of us....those are up there right now.
29. Do you speak any other languages?
french is kinda ok, patient french speakers know what im saying, and a teeny bit of español
30. Do you have a crush on someone on your blog?
i have a very large crush on my boyfriend
Apparently they can't count though - there's two questions missing.

and NOW i am going to bed

Friday, March 24, 2006


lol people i am PSYCHED.RAPT.
tom(oh you all knew it was coming) gave me an mp3cd with all this music on it love...and i find out that in fact I HAVE heard all the bands i know are so important that i should know their songs...i just never knew who they were by.....
and now i can be confident that i have found another genre that loves me as much as i love it.go the acquabats and catch-22 AND eve 6 and the new pornographers esp 'miss teen wordpower'.....
and GO the english beat. im finally catching up on the various waves of ska.
...ok, so i kinda felt that i wasnt sure that i could confidently say i love ska...i loved various components but i never felt genuine...'like one of those people that suddenly shave their head and say they were always into punk' (bonus points if you know where thats from)
and im looking at all this music on my computer and i am THRILLED....i have so much GOLD here.
you never know how much music affects you until you get a S***(yes, ship)load of music you find the audio equivalent of a 6 week road trip with your best mates.
go music. yay. yayayyay.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


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Link: The Tree-Hugger VS. Hippy Test written by purpolhaze on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Thursday, March 02, 2006

hello all

it's kathy's bday. go kathy.
oh my goodness, i was just doing this weird quiz online, and a question was 'which shakespearean play was 10 things i hate about you' based on? and the options were hamlet, king lear, much ado about nothing and macbeth.
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW!!!i cannot STAND how that annoys me! the idiot who wrote it OBVIOUSLY has never read/watched the taming of the shrew,nor much ado about nothing( i can only assume that's the one they thought it was).
and then they go and write a question about it, exposing to the world their stupidity!
oh, there we go, something i'm thinking about lately.
Daniel claims that 'Independent' or whatever it's called by....oh smeg...i forgot....AT LEAST I ADMIT IT AND DON'T PRETEND IT'S BY SOMEONE ELSE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
anyway, the song with the continual 'will you please hold my hand - I cant, im independent
i want to be a man- you can't, im independent...its not that we dont know, why cant she let it go....she's independent, she doesnt need your help, she's independent, she'll do it by herself, she's independent, try not to let it show, she's independent, i hate that stupid ***(mean word i dont think is appropriate although it does rhyme)
anyway, the point is....i mean points are
a)independence is not a bad thing
b)independence doesn't mean being mean to people
c)i'm not even like that!!!
we all went camping recently and time and again i had to rely on tom time and again...i dont like being a burden, and i DO like being my own person AND independence, however when i need help, i ask for it, and i did ask for it....eventually, add to which tom helped ME when he was undergoing far heavier burdens(no metaphor here...his bag was unbelievably heavy)....
+i don't push him away from holding my hand or calling me or anything like that,and he is at his own liberty to be a man, altho he enjoys being a boy from time to time.

so to sum up, i'm not a horrible girlfriend.
ok, i might be, but not for the reasons people think.
ok, on phone to kathy,byeeeee
ps.tom rox

Thursday, February 23, 2006

i'm actually going to put effort into this dammit

meredith and i went to see 'walk the line'. is film about johnny cash's life.
apparently johnny is joaquin phoenix. i think of someone else....
anyway, he was good, very good.
reese witherspoon was june carter, she was cool too.
part of the film is about their two characters....i dont know, when people end up having an affair, you can see the way films normally build up showing everything that was wrong and how a sane person would have an affair too!
i was talking to mum and she was talking about how touring was so much more important for getting music out then i was understanding what happened and how options were limited to alter situations....
i reckon there's a point where your mind says 'ok, i'll give this up to get that', and that's the act which puts the responsibility on a person....things dont just happen, people have attitudes and ideas....
back to the film.
oh, and FYI, johnny cash was a Christian. you wouldnt know it from the film, the way Christ's grace turned his life around. i think it's retarded that it was taken out, and i want to know who of his relatives approved that.
coz he's dead, btw.june too.
who woulda guessed reese and joaquin(pronounced wha-kin) could SING! i was impressed.

UNI GOES BACK SOON!i am so excited, i miss uni...i miss getting out of the house....
i miss having something TO DO that does not include woolies.
i miss seeing people in large amounts that include my friends.
i miss seeing tom without driving or taking public transport for so long....
i miss having something to ignore.

OH, and O MY GOODNESS, in case you forgot, i am STILL going out with the most wonderful guy EVER.
showed up at my house WITHOUT a
me, speechless.
lol, 9 months?is nothing.i intend to keep hold of this one LONG after he's come to his sense and realised i am a crazy old bat.
love me.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


well, apparently noone in blogland cared that i LEFT THE COUNTRY!or at least they didnt log their protest online!and some bloody ad guy calling himself johhny smith left an ad in my comments area!is there no decency left in this world??is nothing sacred??
ummmmm........yes, france is very nice. veru cold. many dogs. lots of french. i liked it.
oh screwit