Thursday, February 23, 2006

i'm actually going to put effort into this dammit

meredith and i went to see 'walk the line'. is film about johnny cash's life.
apparently johnny is joaquin phoenix. i think of someone else....
anyway, he was good, very good.
reese witherspoon was june carter, she was cool too.
part of the film is about their two characters....i dont know, when people end up having an affair, you can see the way films normally build up showing everything that was wrong and how a sane person would have an affair too!
i was talking to mum and she was talking about how touring was so much more important for getting music out then i was understanding what happened and how options were limited to alter situations....
i reckon there's a point where your mind says 'ok, i'll give this up to get that', and that's the act which puts the responsibility on a person....things dont just happen, people have attitudes and ideas....
back to the film.
oh, and FYI, johnny cash was a Christian. you wouldnt know it from the film, the way Christ's grace turned his life around. i think it's retarded that it was taken out, and i want to know who of his relatives approved that.
coz he's dead, btw.june too.
who woulda guessed reese and joaquin(pronounced wha-kin) could SING! i was impressed.

UNI GOES BACK SOON!i am so excited, i miss uni...i miss getting out of the house....
i miss having something TO DO that does not include woolies.
i miss seeing people in large amounts that include my friends.
i miss seeing tom without driving or taking public transport for so long....
i miss having something to ignore.

OH, and O MY GOODNESS, in case you forgot, i am STILL going out with the most wonderful guy EVER.
showed up at my house WITHOUT a
me, speechless.
lol, 9 months?is nothing.i intend to keep hold of this one LONG after he's come to his sense and realised i am a crazy old bat.
love me.

1 comment:

kimberley said...

yes i do want to see that movie. ive been kind of behind lately. i think i need a few days and a couple hundred of dollars to catch up on everything ive missed out on these past few months.

9 months...congrats dude. thats, like...3/4 of a YEAR!!!

YAY IM MOVING TO YOUR UNI! ill be seeing you'shizzle.