Sunday, July 30, 2006

i don't know who to blame for this...

i'm partly blogging coz becca told me to, partly coz she guilted me into it, and partly coz i have something to say:
(ahem) was anyone aware that our current pop culture image of an 'angel' and all the representations of angels with feathery wings can all be traced back to greek representations of the goddess Nike(chick with wings growing out of her back) and hermes(feathery wings growing out of his shoes or his hat, depending on who you talk to)!
it's so obvious when you think about it. i mean, no one ever actually thought angels really had wings from the bible. nowhere are angel wings mentioned in the Bible, it's all about people dressed in bright white. THEY WOULD HAVE MENTIONED DIRTY GREAT WINGS GROWING OUT OF SOMEONE'S BACK, as my minister commented.
ALSO, while we're on the topic, cherubim and seraphim, in short angels, do not look like children with wings and no clothes. if they looked like that, they would not have been sent into war as occurs in the Bible - revelation - nor would the reaction they are given by almost everyone who sees them prompt them to start talking with 'DON'T BE AFRAID!'. an angel stood at the entrance to the garden of Eden blocking it from adam and eve who had been sent out. the angel in question was wielding a flaming sword. are we recieving the impression that these ones who are sent from God as messengers are a teeny bit more terrifying that we thought?
i mean, the sistine angels are cute, obviously, but you know why they are cute?COZ THEY LOOK LIKES KIDS, AND KIDS ARE CUTE.that has nothing to do with angels.
as in a quote from somewhere that i should have rememebered coz it would make me sound so much more intelligent: 'a lovely poem Mr Pope, but you must not call it Homer'


Rebecca Johnson said...

Oh I do love weilding power


How much would it really annoy you if I told you that I did actually know all that about angels? I agree with you, it is fascinating to think that that is how this representation has come forth. I actually did a little research (don't ask me, I probably don't remember it now) on this subject a few years back and read a very interesting book on the 'classes' of angels and the representations.

Anonymous said...

Angels are so much cooler than people generally think they are

Ascasewwen said...

And they don't eat Philadelphia and fix tables.

Anonymous said...

Yeah its weird. Everything looks the same after a while, organisations just paint their own pictures and make everyone believe it. Its a cruel world. Personally I'm glad angels have wings, makes me look great at fancy dress parties!!! Luv Kathy :-)

kimberley said...

my mom gets upset with all movies that have girl angels. like that dumb touched by an angel show.

where ARE you...hows your timetable this semester? i have mondays and fridays off, yaaay, long weekends pour MOI.

Anonymous said...

Touched by an angel had that cute blonde angel, that was a guy. Andrew i think his name was..! KC

Ascasewwen said...

I drove past you while you were waiting at the bus stop this afternoon. You had your headphones in and you were totally in your own little world, again. You always seem to do that whenever I'm passing. Short of running you over there wasn't much I could do though, so I just drove off chuckling to myself. Again. Except I was walking off chuckling to myself last time this happened. hehe