Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Because it's late and i should be in bed -

I decided some things couldn't wait.
FIRST, i don't know my stance on the my-own-little-world epidemic that Kate has noticed in me - when i'm listening to music, i tune the world out. it's very relaxing that way. it's like i'm in a bubble. it's at max potency when you wear sunglasses. then aint NOBODY making contact without your saying so. when you aren't wearing glasses you can't pretend not to see people, coz you look fake and mean.
OBVIOUSLY had i seen kate i would have waved and jumped around like a maniac - AS I DID TODAY WHEN I SAW KATE AND CALLED OUT HER NAME, ONLY TO SEE HER KEEP WALKING. i kept yelling till she turned around :D
but sometimes you really would prefer not to notice things and people. recently i was on the bus and (it's kinda my fault, coz i like sitting near the back, it feels more fun) a group of high school guys sat VERY near me, and started talking. part of the conversation was who was angry with whom, but the other...they were discussing some girls they knew. the word offensive isn't exactly correct, coz i was not discussed, but...yeah, revolted will do.it was nasty. 16 year old boys who seemed to lack relationship skills.it's not a pretty sight (NOW, if they'd paid attention in SCHOOL...).
oh, i also want to mention how crap stomach cramps of the once-in-a-month variety are. i couldn't go to bible study tonight. and we are hot-water-bottle-less. AND almost out of heron, WHICH barely works anyway.
but i did get to watch futurama.
still, uncool feeling horrible, ESPECIALLY in french class while the tutor just goes oooooooon, and i grip the table till my knuckles go white.
yay tom having pain-killers. he's my hero.
or did i already mention that?


Rebecca Johnson said...

Three things:

1. You can be in a world of your own if you want, I am a strong advocate of world-of-your-own-ness.

2. Yes, sixteen year old boys are disgusting, that's why I avoid the back of the bus and turn the music up loud so I can't hear them.

3. Awww poor Alison, I'd lend you my hot water bottle but ... well, it's too hard to squeeze through the phone lines.

Anonymous said...

How can you allow yourself to become "hot-water-bottle-less" ?
I could never let this happen. I always have at least one in reserve just in case one should unfortunatly spring a leak. [which has of course happened before!]
For me hot water bottles are essential at certain times of the month.

Ascasewwen said...

I only heard you call twice but the first time I wasn't 100% sure that I had heard my name. A lot of things sound like Kate.

Try Disprin Direct for the cramps, it seems to work well.

Amanda said...

Alot of things sound like Amanda too... surprisingly enough. Like Man, Andy, Ali, And...just some examples. Then again, maybe it's just my crazy imagination...

Ascasewwen said...

Maybe we're just paranoid, Manda. hehe

Anonymous said...

There are heaps that sound like Em and Emily too - I have got into a bad habit of not turning now! So if you are both paranoid, so am I! :-)

Kat said...

PONSTAN!!! Its fantastic stuff, and works within 20 mins. AND it works for me. stuff doesnt work for me, so this is a good sign.
Also, invest in a wheat pillow heat pack thing ($10-$15), u just heat em in the microwave for 60 secs. They are great! until u lose them, which happened to me this morning...DAMN THE FLU!

P.S. David Tench is silly. in a bad way.

rainweb said...

a)i hate the concept of david tench. if it was all a cartoon thatd be cool,but there are people pretending HE IS A PERSON, WHICH HE IS NOT.THIS IS NOT LIKE AGRO people. this is sick
b)WHEAT PILLOW SUCK!!! they just burn me and make me sweat and i hate them. hot water bottles all the way.

Anonymous said...

Wheat Pillows ?
Yuck !
There's nothing nicer that a nice cuddly rubber hot water bottle.

Anonymous said...

Hot water bottles have their benefits, untill they leak all over a bed which also has an electric blanket, made for a nice red streak down my back and singed pjamas....HOT WATER BOTTLES ARE EVIL. If Wheat pillows burn you, you are heating them for too long. We are not making popcorn here people, 30 seconds max! (someone comment on Matt's blog-he is complaining that no one reads it (which is silly, coz he never wanted one in the first place. BLOODY MEN!)) Luv Kathy

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are Kathy, you should NEVER use a hot water bottle with an electric blanket turned on - it is highly dangerous. Also, if they give you a "red streak" down your back then you are simply making them too hot - you should NEVER use boiling water.
As for burst or leaking bottles, this is something I have never experienced - I look after mine and they last me for years. If properly used, a nice rubber hot water bottle is far superior to all the alternatives.