Saturday, August 19, 2006

deep breath...and i posted something else under this so make sure you read it


*Full name: alison.....

*Birth date: october 7 1986 (yay im older than kimmy)

*Age: 19

*Location: sydney australia

*Your zodiac sign: libra. apparently thats why i like pretty things...coz thats so uncommon

*Height: 170...somethingcm

*Eye color: green blue brown

*Hair color: brown...blonde in sunlight

*Are you a righty or a lefty or ambidextrous: lefthanded, aka awesome!

*Favorite TV show: hmmmm...futurama atm

*Favorite movie: le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain (i nicked kim's...i actually do love it tho)

*What's your favorite flavor of snapple:we don't sell that this side of the border

*Favorite board game: most...trouble is good

*Favorite magazine: meh...(yes its a magazine)

*Favorite food: chocolate

*Least favorite food: tomatoes

*Favorite ice cream: triple chocolate OR chocolate GELATO (coz gelato rox)

*Favorite kind of perfume/cologne: this rose perfume that i got from the fragrant gardens that i like NEVER use coz it smells so nice. but normally?the body shop strawberry perfume TOM bought me...albeit with a hint.

*Favorite subject in school: hmmm...drama was coolest...but ancient history was the most amusing...i have the quotes to prove it

*Least favorite:french was really frustrating from time to was english..and legal...and...:D

*Favorite drink: chocolate thikshake / fanta/solo

*Favorite CDs: i have some i intend to buy that are good...but blink 182 greatest hits is good.

*Favorite thing to do on the weekend: sleep,get uni work done, watch movies, hang with friends

*Best advice: realise who is in control, and that it aint you, and that that's a good thing.oh, and talk to your Saviour. He wants to talk to you.

*Your favorite artist/group: the greats atm...

*Your favorite holiday:Christmas because it's an awesome time with my family and an awesome thing to celebrate God's love for us AND many holz

*What's your favorite color? ew much did school stuff your head??yellow, blue and green thankyou. think the sun rising over hills and sea.

*Favorite shampoo/conditioner: tresemme, not coz of the faux-cool name, but coz its ultra cheap, comes in big bottles, and works pretty well.

*Person/s that know you the best: ppl

*Loudest person that you know: rachel from u all know

*Craziest/silliest/wierdest person that you know: woah...rachel again

*Favorite friends to hang with: ALL my friends

*If you could meet any dead person, it would be: my paternal grandmother...

*The Nicest Guy you've ever met: oh come on, EVERYONE KNOWS!!!
(but like i could resist) THOMAS!!!!!

*The Nicest Girl you've ever met: hmmm...nice...bella, and amy d. from school...everyone else is
way too crazy to be nice

*Who's the person you admire most: my mummy

*What do you feel about the Ouija board: the same way i feel about stupid things that are stupid

*Do you believe in yourself: i believe in God. He takes care of me.

*Worst feeling in the world: guilt

*Best feeling in the world: being loved

*Do you have motion sickness: rarely

*Are you for world Peace: "what does our society need?" "harsher punishment for parole violators, stan......and world peace" Jesus will return and make all things new. which is not to say i'm against peace, i am for peace, but when He comes it will HAPPEN.

*One thing you want to change about yourself: my vanity

*Are you a health freak:
*Do you have a crush: on tom

*Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend: tom

*If you could go out with anyone in the world, who: tom

*For Girls- like guys with or without hats: whatever tom's
*For guys- Like girls with or without nail polish:

*When you meet a person of the opposite sex, you first notice: height

*Who was your first crush: the boy with the red jumper at preschool...don't say anything.

*Have you ever been in love: as i understand it, no.

*What do you remember most about this year: france

*Memory (thing) you miss the most: sleep.chocolate. tom

*What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: HA!work didn't call!WOOOO

*Were you "cool" 5 years ago: i was...14 turning 15. ah. when i was 14, yes. when i was 15, no.i
was a nigel. i was still wonderful, but i was too upset to be cool.which is not to say being upset isnt cool, or negates it. i just wasnt.

*Does it make you sad to know that you can never go back in time:no.

*If you could go back in time would you: no

*What would you change: rien
*Where do you see yourself in 10 Years:ummm...teaching...possibly having done missionary work...or doing.and married.probably.i'm pretty nice.

*Future Sons names:meh

*Future Daughters names: Isabella, Grace Annabel, Janet Rebekah

*If you could have any occupation when you get older, what would it be: id love to be singing or acting, but lacking talent, id be a teacher.

*What is your dream car/truck: hmmm...those cute bmw mini thingys with the soft top. hot.

*Where do you plan on living after getting out of school: someplace near a school where ill teach

*What age do you want to be when you get married:24+

*Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: next to. she's a tigress named sally

*What do you wear to bed: warm pj's

*If you could dye your hair one color what color would it be: i did do white blond on
the last three/four inches

*If you could have a tattoo, what and where would it be: a rose on the back of my neck. not coloured.

*Bellybutton....Innie or Outtie: innie.

*Any piercings....where: 2 ears, one navel

*What's on your walls in your room: dolphins, monet, van gogh

*Have you ever been skinny-dipping: please tell me wouldnt think it of me

*Do you type with your fingers on the right keys:farout no, i aint no nerd

*Have you ever been convicted of a crime: not as yet.
*What's on your mouse pad: aapt....what i assume is a guy with a ladder in a rush

*How many rings before you answer the phone:am i awake?

*Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: no. animals love me. im like sleeping beauty. not cinderella.not snow white.

*Is the glass half empty or half full:why cant you people fill up a glass?

*Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a fork: bbq'd, hands. anything else, fork

*Which do you prefer, mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling: jelly, coz its edible and not muddy

*What is the best number in the world: 7

*Would you rather give or receive: if i picked a good opresent, give

*How many homes have you lived in:seven

*How many schools have you been to: five

*Do you play any instruments: flute 3/4th grade, guitar...couple of chords. and i sing nice.

*Words or phrases you overuse: awesome!cheers.thanking you.meh.

*Toothpaste:once a day...twice if i like you.

*Do you get along with your parents: coz theyre cool

*Favorite town to chill: regentville

*Thunderstorms- cool or scary: damn cool

*Roller coasters-cool or scary: so cool

*Do you like to drive: dependes where im going and if anyone else is on the road.

*Chocolate or vanilla cake: chocolate

*Drinks, with or without ice cube: without

*What's the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery: give money to all the charities i could find before i had time to think about it.

*Favorite commercial: that ad where the mum's at the doctors, and the kids is mucking around and the mum is nervous. the doctor comes in and ses "we've checked his lungs, heart, kidneys, liver and spleen...he's got cancer" the mum ses "cancer??"...then breathes a deep sigh of relief. the doctor smiles and passes over a pill bottle "give him one of these twice a day. it should be gone in a few weeks"

*Favorite cereal: froot loops. its been years...mum seems to have something against them

*Something you'd like to try: having a band

*What would you do on a first date:be paranoid

*Any hobbies: spending way too much time answering questions about myself, and i think i was just cured.


Ascasewwen said...

Woo for lefties! The superiority reigns!

*crisp left-handed high five* (please don't do an Em and hit me in the face)

Anonymous said...

IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I TELL YOU!!!! (blushes and laughs at the same time.. he he he!)

right all the way! If I could be bothere to do this I would... maybe when I don't have an assignment due the next day I shall! :-) lol.

Ascasewwen said...

Hey Em, only lefthanders are truly worthy of the snnnnn!

Eh? said...

HAHAHA Oh sure it was an "accident" lol hehehe...

*Shakes head at "snnnnn"* It's only because you wanna be different...Katua Katus Katus...

Ascasewwen said...

As Katus I am, by definition, different. :-D

Just because you weren't part of the conversation where snnnnn was born does not give you the right to shake your head at it!

rainweb said...

(sigh)you people need msn implanted in you. i would like to note the following additions, in case i forget them, tho im sure other ppl have updated...
generation 1 remains the same
generation 2, i now had a daughter who married pete ab, but she died in a tragic tractor sppearfishing accident, leaving pete to become crazy uncle pete, and tom and i both blame him.

generation three - bec now has matt p, peter a and jenny.
generation 4 -emily had ashleigh and afro ben, who are twins.
amanda had bella and rachel who are twins...
where does chris fit in? im sure someone adopted him...

kimberley said...

i loved that 'lefthanded, aka awesome!' part.
and what is wrong with blue, may i ask. blue's cool. just cause i aint into yellow, SLEEPING BEAUTY...haha...even my toes laughed at that part.
"now, yeast. one tsp. ....TSP?!" "one tea spoon!" "oh one TEA SPOON, of course!!"

Anonymous said...

Would you like me to show you my left handed writing? I shall write you a letter and give it to you tomorrow. But RIGHTS WIN!!! There are more of us - it must be true.

YAY - our family is huge! And I have twins!! So exciting. Chris is Manda's twin - Katherine's son, my big brother. Does she know that yet...?? lol. I love our family!

Ascasewwen said...

The tractor was spearfishing?

Eh? said...

It doesn't matter, i'll shake my head at "snnnn" all I want :P

Yeah well it fits Pete to be involved in a tractor spearfishing couldn't been a flying golf buggy accident...

Ascasewwen said...

Well if you're going to shake your head at snnnnn at least spell it right- 5 n's in snnnnn!

lol I'm sure golf buggies do fly at times, depending on who is driving them!

Kat said...

Once again. completley lost...!

Anonymous said...

It is a very good point - only Pete could ever manage to kill his wife in an incident involving spears and tractors! Or think of it in the first place! Just don't mention the golf buggy idea to him. May be fatal - again!

Snnnnn is much more sensible than lots of other things I have heard - we understand it and that is all that matters. :-) 'twas a had to be there moment which shall probably last indefinitely, knowing us! You're just jealous, Matt - watch it or I shall not protect you at all on Thursday. Not that that is likely in any case...! he he he. Snnnnn, Kate!

Why are you lost, Mum? Just be content with the fact that you have 4 children and 5 grandchildren, as yet! Or is it 6? he he he.

Anonymous said...

Ali! Yay for bushdancers! I still have to work out what I am wearing... what does one wear to a bushdance? lol.