Saturday, September 30, 2006

Eleven o'clock at night, a week before my birthday, and where am I?That's right, cross the street so you don't have to deal with me

yay, went out with girls from church to restuarant and had fun. ate chocolate fudge gelato.
are there more wonderful words than chocolate fudge gelato?
...I'm going to censor these names slightly, coz they don't read this, so it's not fair.
we were chatting, and C turns to R and ses
'yeah, do you find it difficult?'
c:well, before marriage, how you won't...
c:well, with like physical-
J:SEX, r. sorry if anyone was showing their children how the internet works and stumbled onto this blog, or if someone i really wanted to impress with my superior mind was just totally disillusioned, but it was so funny. j is a very cool person...with a great sense of timing.
oh, and guys? i can think of a relevant simpsons quote here.
...the one where marge is trying to join a country club, and this woman keeps shooting marge down, and marge's friend ses don't mind her, her idea of humour is a cleverly phrased observation delivered with impeccable timing.
or something like that.

oh, and in case anyone felt like knowing what is going on inside Tom's head?
T:"cheese, like vegemite and ping-pong, is an acquired taste"

(sigh) ah, turning 20.i kinda like being in my teens. no-one can tell you what you ought to be like coz it's all formative. but in your 20' hafta grow up.
you DO! i know many are avoiding it, but it's gonna happen!!

ballroom dancing rocks. even when you make up your own steps. that is all.
yay me almost finishing my assignments....only hafta cut out 400 words....
love that %10 grace.

feelin' a teeny bit sentimental. last night, had 15 mins before had to drive home, and Tom suggests reading the Bible, so we went and looked at 1John.
was good.
lol, i need a special made up word to describe the feelings there.


Anonymous said...

Hey I beg to differ about having to grow up at 20. I'm 21 and still haven't really grown up

Made up word? There's always snnnnn!

Ascasewwen said...

Youth is fleeting but immaturity lasts a lifetime.

Snnnnn is the new supercalifragilisticexpialidocius. Partly because it's a lot quicker to type.

Eh? said...

Think about it this way: A company decided they'd like ME to join them. ME...'nuff said :)

Apart from "Snnnnn" which'll always be a safety made up word, there's always EBIL :) Or meh...

Kat said...

I used to use fantasmagorical till someone stole it from me. B*st*rd. Anyhoo! 20! Wow thats so weird..i've known u for like 12 yrs now....dude your old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh hang on, im older...GAH!!!)

Anonymous said...

Snnnnn. Need I say more.

Ali, that is lovely. I love 1 John. Awesome passage! I saw you and Tom (or people masquerading as you) walking past Mia Mia today. From this moment forth, anyone walking past Mia Mia must casually glance over to see if I am staring at them. You never know. :-)

Ascasewwen said...

Did you see me go barrelling past on my way to my tute after small group, Em?

Anonymous said...

No, darling, I am afraid I didn't. I shall try to be near the fence when you next do, though!

MattMan said...

Hello Good Lady! I believe birthday wishes are in order!

Anonymous said...


I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day!

Lots and lots of love - keep on smiling, honey!

Ascasewwen said...

Happy birthday Ali!!

Have an awesome day! :o)

God bless xo

rainweb said...

Yay for everybody!
I am 20.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are! Welcome to the club! :-) He he he.

Kat said...

A Teenager no longer! You're a fully fledged growed up. :-P