Saturday, September 09, 2006

wow....i'm still tired.

maybe i shoudn't have done that shift at work today. i still have to finish various readings and print off an assessment...and i start work at 7am tomorrow.
here i am.
everyone seems to be exhausted.
i would like to mention a few things.
1st - -qq
me:i have to clean my room today
katherine: i find things when i clean my my was broken.

she rocks.

don't get me a gift, i know i forgot your birthday and i never got you a present. don't make me feel more ashamed than i am. you're not that kind of person.
yes YOU!
someone tell me their birthday and ill make a list.
but i will be 20!!how weird.ill finally be the same age as some of my grandchildren :D

OH 50 points to tom for taking my library book back to the library and doing photocopies from it for me, then coming by work and giving them to points. he really didn't have to. and he helped/made/bossed me cleaning my room yesterday. it sparkles now. mum doesn't understand.
FYI, try not to see wedding crashers. you don't want to see it. esp not with anyone you're related to. i mean...eeeeewwwwwwwww.

AND!holidays are coming very soon. i have to do 2 interviews with my cousins for education, and i have to sleep for 3 consecutive days, AND i managed to get the 18th off, so i'm going to the women's day, and hopefully the pizza and movies after...YAY!
and i have to work on assessments.

unfortunately, the amount of work to be done means i can't sleep in on wednesday. there is a word to express this annoyance. bum.
sometimes i wish i liked coffee. one can't help feeling it would come in handy.
DON'T TELL ME HOW TEA IS BETTER, you know what i do to tea, and why i prefer just to respect it and leave it alone.

when you see tom, tell him he's a legend. you know it's true.
or, you know, think up your own word. otherwise he might think you didn't mean it.
save ferris *xa


Kat said...

Ya...i hate being tired. Your bday!!! 20!!! Scary!!! that means ive known u almost 12 years...golly! hey-r u having a party? if so let me know when, coz i'm housesitting for friends for like the first 2 weeks in october but i can still come to a party if u have one. just let me know. anyway, GET ONLINE!!! i wanna tell u sumthing lol.

Ascasewwen said...

Alison your blog posts always make me giggle, they sound so much like you talk, so I can hear your voice in my head as I read. Which perhaps isn't so good... so long as it sticks to reading and doesn't start saying anything else to me it's all good!

What about your gentle hints *coughcough* that you want a Katus original necklace for your bday... can I disregard those? ;o)

Anonymous said...

I agree, Katus - it's very Ali-ish!! But then, yours sounds like you too. And you really do tell me to do stuff when I'm not reading your blog - like 'EM! GO TO BED!!'. You've been saying that a lot, recently..!

Wow, Ali-Nana, soon you'll be old! How exciting! My birthday is 18th May. A birthday list is a wonderful idea! Yours is in my diary now :-). Yay!

And hurrah for tidy rooms! May it remain so! :-P xoxo

Ascasewwen said...

Ali, I passed you again this afternoon when I drove past the bus stop. You were under your umbrella looking rather forlorn, as do most people standing at bus stops at the end of the day.

Once again it was tempting to toot but I thought the better of it... hehe

rainweb said...

ok, kathy,whose birthday i know and who i gave a cool present, i´m never online, but holidays are at the end of the week, i may just cut out the middle man and call you. you could message me!
no, ill say this now, i am not having a party this year. last year´s was plenty difficult, im not having two of those in a row.parties are for special my 19th :D
wait i´m not talking to you, you have a car grrrrrrr....
yay my voice in katus´head. the me chocolate...the necklace...make me a necklace lol, but i also need your birthday. and stop watching me be boring at the busstop, the least you could do is honk your horn and scare the life out of me!!!!!
Good girl em, you´re my favourite granddaughter...well one of them, but now i have your bday on file.
my room will not remain clean. it will rebel against its chains, and will be free once more. i dont like it, but there it is.

Ascasewwen said...

Alright, you asked for it!!

23rd of June.

Anonymous said...

lol - cause that was just so hard, Kate! he he he.

Love you, my favourite Nana! :-) x

Ascasewwen said...

What? Telling her my bday? No, I forgot the first time.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for then...although I'm sure I'll remember to tell you happy birthday a little sooner to the actual day.

And you'll still be younger than your beloved great-grandaughter