Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Get ready for a world of procrastination...

ok, tom said i'm not an angry person, and he should know, and he is under no
form of duress, so stop being mean, all of you.
and new rule, NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTING!it is simple courtesy to put your name
at the end of a comment if you are under the name anonymous. i am aware that
not giving a name may be the point of commenting as anonymous, but NOT ON MY

ok, now, witness the boredom_......_________________..................
_________...............................____\ ___________............................_____\ \__
______________...................__________\_ _________________..............___________ \ \____ \_________________________________________\_ /
HAPPY CLOUD!!!!!!__________________________\ /
__________________________________________/wow.......even i'm impressed. try to imagine it without the lines. blog mean ppl tried to push it all together and ruin it so you couldn't see that it was a cloud, and do you think i was gonna stand by and let that happen????
so i go around expending too much energy drawing a cloud that is happiest when hitting people with lightning, does that make me an angry person?
identify yourselves when you comment plz.
oh, and thankyou for helpful responses, which i can sum up as - don't hug guys unless you already do. it confuses them.
oh, and try to be gentler with girl hugs.
can do ppl...
well, ill stop shoving my shoulder into the necks of sitting-down ppl when i hug them, in any case.


Anonymous said...

I like your hugs!

Yep, I think that's pretty much it. They are simple creatures, these boys of ours. Although I'd love to see any one of their faces if we walked up to shake hands as suggested by a Certain Person Who Shall Remain Nameless...! He he he!! :-)

You really were bored. Lol. Happy cloud indeed!

Anonymous said...

hahahahah i'd giggle if you shock my hand missed and then hug you cus, well, i can... haha... though i'm gonna advocate arm touching again... back of the elbow... worked wonders in parties and clubs... its a physical gesture, indicates interest but not to much to creep someone out...

i feel like voldemort from harry potter... he who shalt not be named.... ooooo... no one may speak my name on this blog ever otherwise the wrath of he who shall not be named will come upon them....

Anonymous said...

missy* not missed... he who shalt not be name shalt not spelll

Ascasewwen said...

If Em's involved 'missed' is probably more accurate... have you seen her high fives? (or been sitting near her when she gave one- ask Manda what that's like) Not that I can talk...!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, but you have not the authority to ban Our Royal Personage from commenting.

Queen outranks Matriarch.

By Order,
HRM Queen Victoria.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Oi, Kate! You missed too!! :-P

and he he he to anonymous. Very tempted to mention your name to see the response.. that sounded like a challenge to me!

and nice try, Vicky. Our Matriarch reigns over any queens, dead or alive. I am sure your great great great great granddaughter, Liz, agrees with me there. How could she not?!

Ascasewwen said...

You're bringing a lot of wrath on yourself lately Em... The Wrath of the Katus, the potential Wrath of He Who Shall Not Be Named... and I think He Who Shall Not Be Named and Queen Victoria are in danger of Ali's Squirrely Wrath for not revealing their identities, right unangry Ali? :-P

By the way, Queen Vic has a point... given she's [supposedly] been dead for some time she really does outrank Ali!! *ba dum ching*

Kat said...

In case anyone was wondering - Cebu really do exist. More commonly known as the Zebu (Cebu is an alternate spelling), it is a domestic bovine creature from parts of East Asia, India, and Africa. The Zebu carries a large fatty hump over its shoulder (sometimes two humps).

Their coloring can be mixture of black, gray, or bay. They have long legs and are used in India as a draught animal.

A inferior source of milk and meat, and having great endurance , they were also introduced into the United States in the 19th century where they are called Brahma cattle. Zebu are also in Central and South America in the Gulf states, where they were interbred with domestic cattle producing an animal with greater resistance to heat and to ticks.

Wow...that was random.

Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

When are you going to paste the real cloud! It is much happier looking than this one!...

Eh? said...

When she can actually get a pic of them...when she can STEAL them from someone's camera...

rainweb said...

i direct you all to the next post. and i would like to mention i finally loaded my OWN photos onto the blog.

Anonymous said...

Yay Ali!