Friday, October 13, 2006


I'm a little grumpy.
my stupid links are stupid so most of the time it looks like ppl haven't posted till ages later when i actually refresh the pages and find all this stuff id been waiting for.
and my stupid assessments are stupid, not least of which is french coz im so freaked out that i'll just barely pass again, so i cant even think what to write, but also maths is stupid coz they want you to explain silly things just to prove that you understand that kids need to be taught maths.
for the record, i get that kids need to be taught maths. the non-painful way (which i have discovered during this course, i am learning)
and stupid work is making me work tomorrow when i have all this work to do...
i'm not normally grumpy...this is my sporadic spiel of spite.
......., i really am an english freak, you have no idea how much better that alliteration makes me feel =)=):D
tee hee.
oh, and i did half-swear on Tom's blog coz i was jealous that he and kathy were excited and i wasn't (HAH!NOW YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT!!SUCKERED!!)
but i do have to get up to go to work, and a friend from church is having his 30th tomorrow night, and my gut feeling is that i won't be fit to drive after working....but thats totally pushed on by the knowledge that i could get so much work done tomorrow i'm biased, even though he's cool and i wanna be there.
but i did buy him a present, so it's ok, i might give that to him on sunday at church.

it's too hot. it got(became) the perfect temperature and just kept rising.itd be ok if there was a fan in the computer room....its in the garage. (the fan, not the room).
i bought a pretty dress for my cousin's wedding today!
i also had a blood test, but that was less exciting.
ok, bed time, and i hafta change to summer am i going to SLEEP!!!???my fan is way noisy!!
work IS air-conditioned...ok, ill be ok.
night people stay safe, i miss all....ok, i am again a little glum.
ooohhh...glum is SO the right word!
lol.....oooooooo i am pitiful.


Kat said...

Hey girl! Yeah the heat was unbearable today. HAH! yeah me and tommy were exited, we r both weird al nuts. which is good. It means we get along. which is also good. for all us us. because. it is. yeah.

Ascasewwen said...

Cheer up Ali, you have a prettiful necklace to turn your blues rosy pink again!

rainweb said...

yay my necklace!!!

Kat said...

Yay! MY necklace :-P!

rainweb said...

yay both my necklaces!

Ascasewwen said...

The battle of the necklaces. lol

Anonymous said...

Yay for necklaces in general and Nanna Ali the birthday girl (or just-over birthday girl) in particular!!

Ascasewwen said...

Oh, by the way Ali, I passed you at the bus stop again yesterday. I'd have tooted the horn but you looked rather precariously balanced on the curb... I feared that if you jumped out of your skin you'd topple onto the road. Besides, I don't know how you missed me madly bopping along to Veggie Tales!!

Kat said...

VEGGIE TALES? We have another veggie tales fan amoungst the ranks? The hairbrush song just says it all... (I also have them on my eyepod). Woah...i just spelt Ipod with eye instead of I. I am so not concentrating!

Ascasewwen said...

You do indeed! Veggie Tales is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is! Yay for Veggie Tales!

We are the pirates who don't do anything, we just stay home and laze around! And if you ask us to do anything, we will tell you... we don't do anything!!

Dad says this song was written for my brother, sister and I. lol! :-)

Ascasewwen said...

lol I'm sure mine would say the same of me if he heard it.

Kat said...

Everybody's got a waterbuffalo! i have that on my ipod too. Actually, i have all the silly songs on my ipod! and some of the not so silly ones...Yay Bob and Larry! The pirates are alos releasing a new movie soon. Should be good. How r u doing Ali?

Anonymous said...


Just thought I'd say it while I thought of it. :-)