Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thankyou Kathy, for that informative comment...

Ok people, you asked for this...

Is this the face of happiness???

I think so!
Now, i have noticed a NUMBER of people enjoying not naming themselves, after i EXPRESSLY forbade such action. although one did reveal himself through subsequent posts on tom's blog (nice work doug :D)
NOW, while i enjoy flaunting the system, this is restricted to all systems but MINE. i require a name. Queen victoria has done well, making the first step, however she has a)not indicated if she knows me nor b) given her ACTUAL identity.
please honour the actual queen victoria's memory by not asking how i know it's not the real queen victoria.
among other things, this individual is somewhat misguided, with claims that a queen outranks a matriarch.
with the exception of God, and the computing system in general, on this blog no-one outranks me. i am supreme. possibly Bec's monarchy might have a hope, but she's my daughter, so that won't work. because blood is thicker than water. and the House of Klauss (and its associate, the House of Snnnn) is an association stronger than nationality. also coz i REFUSE TO BE OUTRANKED!
:D i get to do that.
'sides, who'd take me on?
it has been asked where the squirrelly wrath is. i have withheld it. i believe it is more logical to reveal that squirrelly wrath is not the only danger here. far worse is letting ANGRY TREE LOOSE!!!

Is this the face of pure anger?ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THIS ON???

I didn't think so.
see you all soon, i love you all.
dougie, you shall be linked as soon as i can find the suitable superlative for your blog.
gros bises!
p.s.Tom is really really really really really really wonderful. really.


Anonymous said...

It's okay great-nana. You are the matriarch.

Is this angry tree related to your happy cloud in anyway?

Eh? said...

Still not good enough :P

Angry tree and happy cloud have no relation...happy cloud is when she's bored and angry tree's just a representation of her innate anger :) You know it's true *smile and nods*

Kat said...

Happy cloud? Angry Tree?
Am i missing something? RE Zebu: I am full of completly useless information. I even know whats in a Waldorf Salad, and that will only ever come in handy if i have an annoying american staying at my hotel. which i doubt...Notice how most of my comments are total nonsense as i usually have no idea what the rest of u are talking about? Yay for outsideddness!

Ascasewwen said...

It's Sadistic Cloud! :-D

5 n's in snnnnn, never forget that!

And just because you under-n-ed snnnnn I'm going to say that angry tree bears a striking resemblance to the cauliflower on my plate at Inferno today.

I think Matt's trying to take on the Angry Tree AND the Squirrely Wrath with comments like that though!

Ascasewwen said...

Waldorf Salad isn't total nonsense to any self respecting Fawlty Towers fan!

Anonymous said...

he he he! Yay for Happy Cloud and Happy Ali!

Amanda said...

HAHAHAHAHA!.... oh dear! You're awsome nanna!

Queen Victoria has also been commenting on my blog! ....!!! Does this 'QV' realise that squirrily wrath runs in the family!

Yogel said...

Happy cloud is actually angry cloud. That is the consensus. You are wrong :-) Angry tree is actually happy tree.

Yogel said...

we're right.

Amanda said...


Where'd you come from...how long have you been commenting on Ali's blog for?

Anonymous said...

We can't make a waldorf salad cause we're fresh out of waldorfs...which are walnuts that have gone off.

Ascasewwen said...

Whoa, another stalker comes into the open!

Anonymous said...

We are not amused!

We state quite clearly that our actual identity is H.R.M. Queen Victoria. We are undoubtedly 'the real Queen Victoria', as you put it. Despite the widely held belief that We are dead, We are simply in hiding from the paparazzi.

We also must disagree with your belief that you outrank Us. I'm afraid that if you persist with this belief We will simply have to throw you into the Tower of London. You have been warned.

Kat said...

OMG! Vegetales and Fawlty towers?
Alison...Your friends rock!!! hehe. Gotta love em. I got a book tie in sort of thing with fawlty towers the other day, its quite good! and black books. its good too.

Rebecca Johnson said...

Hey, I haven't been on for soooo long so it was fun to come on and read all your posts in one big swoop. So...

1) what's with your happy cloud? He doesn't look happy! He looks cranky!

2) Am I the Bec who's monarchy would outrank you? Cause while in Alison's Blog Land I will happily stand aside, it must be argued that I, in all my Queenly goodness, has a higher standing elsewhere ... mwuahahahahahaha <--- hysterical evil laughter

Anonymous said...

He he he!!! I don't check this for a few days, and look what happens!!

Welcome to and yay for Yager, but it is Happy Cloud, not Angry Cloud! And it loves camping... :-P

VeggieTales and Fawlty Towers are wonderful! Kathrine, I think you need to be our next guest to CU - it looks like you'd fit right in! :-)

Bec - LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

The angry tree looks really pleasant. I'd like to get to know him.

Kat said...

Hehe thanks! yeah CU sounds fun!

rainweb said...

woah, quick comment, coz my computers screwing up at home...i should be in a TEP lecture
HAH!i didnt realise, but both uni Bec and Becca of the West have separate and regal monarchic states!!!
oh how cool.
go kathy, u dont need to know the source of the clouds and trees, its just me.
yay maisie, i feel lightning bolts are your thing.
QV person....move on! and leave my granddaughter unharmed!

Anonymous said...

It's ok. I agree with Bella. You, Q.V., are entirely eclipsed by our beautiful Nanna Ali. So there. snnnnn*tongue*!!!