Saturday, October 21, 2006


Yay em.
Yay hairbrush song – tom hates it.
Yay kate.
tom is lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely.
oooohh.....i'm sorry. i've used you all. i've used you to bitch about my may feel slightly soiled. i apologise.
i'm not really angry, but there had to be a penalty...tho this is slightly full-on.
oh well. i take you with me through all the ups and downs. according to kate, slightly more downs...

ok, FINE, something nice, i went to Tom's work yesterday. it was his first shift, and i decided i'd go and pick him up instead of his parents and surprise him, as i am a half hour drive away. i got there and saw him and waited, and he was serving a woman, and he looked up and said 'hey' very casually. after he got off work he was VERY excited...i said' were you surprised at all?' and he said 'yeah, but i was with a customer'.
STEP BACK! we have a professional!!!!
was funny, coz i told a friend at work about it, and we've both been working for the company that tom has just started with, for over 3yrs, and we split our sides, coz we are NOT that professional.
ok, thats the funny bit, and the nice bit is that tom was really happy, and i was really happy that i could make him happy. can anyone think of a another way to slip happy into a sentence??

OH!! i remember what i was going to blog about!!
help me - i know not the social etiquette.
can girls hug their guy friends??
ill be slightly more specific - can girls hug their guy friends that they havent known ever since they were born???coz if u have, its like a brother, and FEW ppl hug their brothers...
BACK ON TRACK: what do ppl think? coz i have guys friends, and they're cool, mainly in CU, and i dont hug them...i hug a few guy friends...very few...with whom i have looooooong friendships...but it's weird for me coz i hug all my friends who are girls all the time,i hug them goodbye, and then i get to a guy friend and im like'oh....ummm...yeah bye....have fun...'[run fast]
but would it be too weird?some guys are under-practiced at hugging, and many would argue thats a good reason to start hugging them, but i am aware that they might feel just TOO WEIRD...too much close contact.
+, with my friends who are girls (what an unwieldy phrase) i give them tight hugz, which is proper for girls, coz thats a REAL HUG, but with guys, might that be interpreted COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY???!!!
as i realise, tom is the only guy i give tight hugs to.
so? what should i do?or is this my problem that no-one wants to deal with??
lol, i would like to mention Em's dance of joy. it is addictive and cool. try it at home. close the door - joy can be impeded by embarrassment.
hugs and love and motherly nagging,


Ascasewwen said...

Ali if you go around hugging the guys at CU as tightly as you hug the girls there will be none left- you'll suffocate them all! The girls have built up immunity to your lung squeezing hugs. hehe

Glad to see a more cheerful blog! :-D

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see cheerfulness too!!!

I know what you mean - it can be really tricky! As in, it should not be because techincally we are brothers and sisters in Christ, but it's not that easy! I know just what you mean.

It's ok with some guys, I find, but not so comfortable with others. I don't know. In general I stick to hugging girls! Simplifies things!

YAY FOR RAIN! *Em does sance of joy!*

Anonymous said...

lol. Make that 'dance' of joy!!! He he he.

Kat said...

WHAT? TOM DOESNT LIKE THE HAIRBRUSH SONG? IT'S A CLASSIC! That almost makes him not kool. but he likes weird al...OH
NO! A conundrum! The song It just sums up my mornings so well. Although my lyrics are a little different, i usually insert a profanity here or there in my desperate search for that one simple styling tool that simplifies my mornings each and every day of my life! (I love my hairbrush).

Guy Hugging: The first comment is true. I've been in military airraft where the G-force pressure has been easier to endure than your rib cracking hugs! :-P

hehe nah its one of those weird things...i'm not really a hugger. some people hug, some don't.

Eh? said...

So THIS is your new way of trying to kill the rest of us huh? I'm i'll have to warn Pete and Chris, especially when they knew you're innately an angry person :P

Now seriously, it's one of those questions where it's better left the way it is.

The main thing with it is if you're causing others to stumble or not? Like msot people know that you hug people ALOT, but others don't.

Personally, I don't mind at all, a number of my girl friends do hug me, and not all of them i've known for all that long.

Conversely, other guys don't like it at all unless it's their girlfriend or something like that. It depends.

Like what Ems says, just to simplify things, keep doing what you're doing.

Like Katus, props for a happier blog :)

Ascasewwen said...

"Like what Ems says, just to simplify things, keep doing what you're doing."

Yeah, be loving to everyone; only suffocate the girls.

Matt just wants to keep his ribs in tact. lol

Eh? said...

*Shhhh* not out loud...

Anonymous said...

i was perusing in my procrastination... yes i am the anonymous e-stalker, a man of mystery, intruige who you can never quite know. Being experienced in hugging and having hugged an eclectic range of people for friends, family, randoms, exchange students, guys, girls, trees and even it's... i thought my two cents was worth wacking in to this debate.... So....

whatever happened to greeting each other with a holy kiss anyway...maybe that would solve the problem, skip all that hugging shinnanigans and go straight in for the kiss... orrrr not :).

Hugs are good, very good, they can make you feel all warm and fuzzy and make life better. Touch communicates so many things words cannot, its only been in the last few years that i have learnt to appreciate the subtlety of the hand shake with guys, interactions are better an more noticable with this simple gesture. it has been proven that touch will make an interaction more memorable. Perhaps hand shakes from girls with guys at CU might be more appropriate than hugs?...

Though I see no reason not to hug each other in a one to one situation or when it is a group of really close friends, i hug all my close girl and guy friends. Provided physical intimacy levels are justified in the context of each individual relationship.

I guess the problem with the group setting is that in Christian circles people are far more physically reserved and social ettiquette seems to dictate that hugging in group context is kinda innappropriate. Physical intimacy can push buttons in guys, more so than in girls...

In non-christian circles thats not a big issue because sexuality is most likely an accepted part of their social dynamics... The chances are if a guy likes you and you increase physical contact, he will naturally start thinking about you more sexually...

So in conclusion, touch is good, don't go for the full on body hug unless your close friends... Maybe run with arm touching or some other form of physical acknowledgement that your entering or exiting a conversation is appreciated by guys...and its probably less awkward for guys who aren't used to physical affection...Be warned as well if you start acting with your close guy friends like you do with your close girl friends, their perception will change, aka sitting on another chicks lap is cool sitting on a guys lap raises questions for both parties. so myes the mystery man has expelled his wisdom and now must go...

Ascasewwen said...

Whoa, you really were procrastinating... even I don't write comments that long!

rainweb said...

Who the heck is this man of mystery???
I am nana ali. you will respond. i compel you.

Ascasewwen said...

You shouldn't have said that, Ali. Now he'll be sitting there chuckling to himself because he's managed to mystify and intruigue someone! I suspect he won't feel bound to obey you in your status as House of Klauss matriarch.

Am I right, Man of Mystery?

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Oh, Anonymous, you gave yourself away long ago. Myes was the clincher even if none of the rest screamed out you! he he he.

I like Ali's hugs - she obviously means hers! Keep it up, Nanna Ali! :-)

Anonymous said...

ooo the controversy... I heart it

Ascasewwen said...

But Ali hasn't worked out who he is. She obviously doesn't know his online persona too well though because it is incredibly obvious that it is you, Mystery Man!

Anonymous said...

Of course it's obvious it's you. Lol. Ali just does not realise who you are because she does not spend enough time on msn at around midnight! Sensible Nanna that she is...! He he he.

Do you have any idea, Ali?

Kat said...

Hey mystery man. Can i have your number? If indeed, u are a man, and only if you don't know any of these people. Coz that would be weird...:-D

Yogel said...

Girls can hug guys. That's fine. Especially if you are attached.

Anonymous said...

hey ali, im finding your bloggs to be a good read, they take me to a place that isnt here and here seems to be a bad plae for me so i rather enjoy them so keep it up!
As for the hugging thing, i have some guy friends i hug but some i dont, it depends how close we are but ive had guys that ive just met greet me with a hug (quite scary) so id say hug guys you feel comfortable hugging or just stick to hugging girls, girls give the best hugs anyway!
Love Laura