Tuesday, November 07, 2006

me: how was your day? tom:good. well, long and boring

gah! i can never remember qq's anymore!gah!
...sigh...apologies to all who were there on monday and had to watch me and tom being stupid and fighting...lol...ok, when i say fighting, you are all aware what i ACTUALLY mean is tickling him until he starts ignoring me...then some more.
actually, many of you looked quite amused...it wasn't funny according to Tom.
i guess it's kinda easy to be either a)incredibly self-conscious or b)over-reacting and hyperactive when you're being silly, your boyfriend is there, and your friends are watching.
by which i mean, i may have been being stupid coz ppl were watching. which isnt cool coz it's...i don't know, it's like i'm pretending to be me instead of being me. which is stupid, coz real me when im boring is better than fake me trying to make you laugh by annoying my boyfriend.
yay for everyone having photos. my dress was so pretty....my hair less so. still, you all like me.
this week i had:
1xTEP assignment
1xfrench composition
1xspanish speaking test
1xfrench grammar test
and on thursday i have
1xspanish written test
1xfrench comprehension test

on sunday tom and i will have been going out for 18months, as in a year and a half...
that's just...odd.
i REALLY thought i was much more annoying than that.
oh, and matt's photos of mike&maddy's engagement night misrepresent, i like tom being weird, it's who he is.

things are FINALLY coming together for my trip to england, then france. ça me fait peur, car je suis toujours un peu inquiet, dans un pays etrangere, mais j'espere que cette fois je vais m'amuser sans cette anxiete. mais, en meme temps, je suis toujours inquiets, et il faut que j'aie plus de confiance en Christ, qu'Il va s'en occupe.

lol...no, it really isnt worth translating.
but i will be away most of dec and jan, hopefully NTE will be good. i think its too late to call them and say i accidentally enrolled myself in the OT thing, which is for 2nd time ppl, instead of the 1st. will it make a horrible difference???

here is a photo of the view behind tom's Nana Glen's house. i took this photo. it is very beautiful and calming. i miss Peel. no mobile reception....sigh...was wonderful
love from me*


Ascasewwen said...

Re: Your busy week... NASTINESS! But the end is in sight.

Re: You and Tom going out for 18months... Awesome! :o)

Re: England and France... yayness! I'm sure I'll fit in your suitcase, right? hehe

Re: NTE... I don't know that it would make a huge difference, but I'm no expert as I've only done the NT one last year so I can't say how different/how much harder it is to do OT first time.

Re: Photo... Oooooh, prettifulness.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all that Kate said - she just said it all for me!!

I am sure that it is fine to email them and get it changed - I emailed them and they changed my optional thingamy. Just go to the web site and ask. They can but refuse if they can't do anything!

Kat said...

Hey girl! england and france again? u dont tell me anything lol. Man i hope u have fun, i'll be in sunny QLD the last week of Jan. Candie (the friend u brought back from your first trip) says Hi! congrats on u and tom, that rocks.

Anonymous said...

L'Éternel est ma lumière et mon salut: De qui aurais-je crainte? L'Éternel est le soutien de ma vie: De qui aurais-je peur?
Quand des méchants s'avancent contre moi, Pour dévorer ma chair, Ce sont mes persécuteurs et mes ennemis Qui chancellent et tombent.

Si une armée se campait contre moi, Mon coeur n'aurait aucune crainte; Si une guerre s'élevait contre moi, Je serais malgré cela plein de confiance.

Je demande à l'Éternel une chose, que je désire ardemment: Je voudrais habiter toute ma vie dans la maison de l'Éternel, Pour contempler la magnificence de l'Éternel Et pour admirer son temple.
Psaume 27:1-4

Ne vous inquiétez pas parce que Jésus vit à l'intérieur de vous. Il sera avec vous en France et en Angleterre. Dieu est par votre côté n'importe où vous voyagez.

I did translate.

Kat said...

Hehe you french speaking show offs! i cant even speak english at the moment! (total loss of voice :-( ) Thank heavens for google translator :-). Anyway, Ben is right...amen brother!

rainweb said...

brother ben - do i know you?
if not - i need more information!!

Anonymous said...

I am Ben and I am your Brother, we know each other well. I do not speak french but I like to make people think I do. Sometimes I fool people but I can never fool you. I will see you at NTE.