Thursday, November 30, 2006

While I'm winning at cards...

well!i think we all know a little more about each other now...don't you feel excited by all the discoveries we've made?
YAAAAAAAAAAY! NTE! woot! I am rather excited, although I should pack this some point...when i get off the internet....hmmmm...
i helped a friend at church to lead the youth group today..primary years, and it was heaps fun. i got chocolate!
however, i was a little late...she rang me to make sure i was coming, and i had forgotten the time it packed an obliging tom off to the station and drove to church rather quickly.
what an obliging young man he is. we bought mike and maddy's wedding present today and IT TOTALLY ROCKS!
I'M SO SORRY if i didn't mention it in conversation (i forgotted to tell kathy, and she was not impressed) I AM LEAVING THIS COUNTRY ON THE 16 OF DECEMBER, AND AM RETURNING TO MY HOMELAND ON THE 2...8TH(?) OF JANUARY!!
I will miss everyone well as english in general...please pray that me and my family will be safe...i get rather stressed overseas...something about vast bodies of water amd customs dividing me from my me the heebie-jeebies.
HAH!movie quote (i have reviewed this, look it up)
1:excuse me, we bozoes have the people
2:yay!the bozoes have the people!
1:up there!don't you just love the people?not a very lively bunch though.
3:do you have people? dead ones.
4:well, after all, if it we had the people, it wouldn't be called 'the wild', would it?
3:wait, you mean like, live in a mudhut, wipe yourself with a leaf kind of wild?
1:who wipes??!!
5:oy vey!
4:oy vey everybody!
6(everyone else): OY VEY!!!
tell me what movie that's from!
tom knows, he had to listen to me reciting it as we walked thru westfield.
I found a pretty picture, and i want you all to see it. i hope you all have fun over the next few days (2-10th), I KNOW I WILL!
oh, and call amanda tanya.
how is everybody???
love, sparkle*


Ascasewwen said...

I have a feeling I'm going to bring people's wrath upon myself (just for a change) for saying this, but the first thing I thought when I looked at that picture is that he looks like a vampire going in for the kill. Ok, so he's a fashion challenged vampire, but maybe he just doesn't want to conform with what all the other vampires are wearing. Look at it again and tell me that's not what it looks like!

rainweb said...

yes, he totally is a shifty dude.

Anonymous said...

He does too! lol.

Have a good time away, Alison! I did not get to hug you - you left too fast!! I am sure you shall have a wonderful time. :-) I'll be praying for you. x