Monday, December 11, 2006


in spite of matt's protests, i will now list all my nte quotes in one post.
hey, am i the only one that wasnt consulted of the blacktown ppl on nte's best quote???

anyway, here we go:
DRIVING TO CANBERRA(present- me, allison, jasmin, sarah, sandy):
allison:i'm using a banana to change gears!
jasmin: oh no, we're all going to die.

allison:hey, look at the gorge...thing...river!
alison:yay for the gorge-thing-river!
jaz:are we there yet?

question: why did you get to bed so late?
em: i was ironing and lost track of time
question(about em's bandaged finger):so, itll be alright?
em:yeah, itll grow back!(noone but kate or i seemed amused...but kate and i were almost suffocating with mirth)
question:how late did you stay up?
em: just until one.

alison:you're so evil matt
matt:tell me something i dont know
katherine t: i like frozen peas

matt: i bring joy everywhere

em:there is nothing i'd like better than you to drive over me in your car (NOT ADVISED!)

kate:ok, wake me up when you make a decision

bec:moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously (to get bec to write that down, i had to promise to only speak in 'what's up doc?' movie quotes for 5 minutes. i did it, too. EUNICE?there's a person called eunice?!)

jason: advance, ducks!(i have no explanation)

amanda: i said katus can't take honesty
kate:OH, WELL...that's ok

(a random guy with a movie camera showed up to chat's cafe as we were lining up, and amanda was worried that her nose was red)
kate(trying to make amanda less self-concious):charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs...towards the back)
alison:yeah. and the camera guy just left.

Amanda:this tastes funny
alison:does it taste like poison?
bec:what does poison taste like?
alison:if i knew that, i'd be dead
em:you could be rescued
amanda:STOMACH PUMP!!!

allison:yay!petrol station!now we don't have to stop on the freeway!
alison:with a sign saying 'CU people, pull over, we need to syphon your petrol".

(chris is playing with toys...happily.too happily)
bella:you're enjoying those toys aren't you?
chris: i was deprived as a child.

(after bec, kath, bella and i had REPREATEDLY performed the sheep dance...and been recorded...we were about to leave. we went to lock up...)
matt:no, its ok, mike's over there, behind the screen. he's been there the WHOLE time?

(after a good 10-15mins packing away all the cups and plates on the table, and JUST managing to make them fit in the cases...)
jasmin:you know what i just realised? there are still cups on the tables!
alison: -headfloor-

(arriving at the park)
alison:wonderful driving madam!
kate:wonderful navigation!
alison:why thankyou!
bec:it's self-congratulation sunday!
alison:better than nudity thursday
bella:don't wanna know, don't want to kno-ow!

(leaving the park)
katherine:we're going to adrian's. he's a got an Xbox.
bec:does he have a couch?

thankyou all.
go blacktown east pressie!!!!!


Ascasewwen said...

Hehehehehe fun times.

Although I don't know that Mike consulted anyone in his choice of NTE's best quotes.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!! He he he.

Kat said...

thats from singin in the rain if i'd it go? have u worked out a way to smuggle me into france yet? U can borrow my big blue suitcase, i'm sure i'll fit in that!!! Sounds like u had fun in canberra. Hope to c u soon, otherwise i'll cya next year!

Anonymous said...

We are most amused by these jollifications.

Rebecca Johnson said...

OMG you and your friends are weird...I love it :D

And hey! How come I didn't get to come be all Singin'-in-the-Rain-y. I love that movie!

Anonymous said...

In case anyone cares (and checks my blog when im out of the country) i get back on the 30th. dont organise anything, i will be busy.
love sparkle

Anonymous said...

In case anyone cares (and checks my blog when im out of the country) i get back on the 30th. dont organise anything, i will be busy.
love sparkle

Anonymous said...

She speaks! I hope you are having a great holiday, darling Nanna.

Ok, we shan't organise anything for the 30th, lol. H.o.S starts on the 22nd Feb, though, so you shall have to be free around then!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! The 30th! i kept thinking u came back on the 16th, i don't know why. Good to know you haven't been beaten with a baguette. Luv Kate

Anonymous said...

i left the 16th. thats probly it. hey, does anyone want keyrings or something??kathy doesnt get to ask for anything,coz ibought her birthday present already, anyone else?ask around.
nana (lol, nana means chick in french)