Tuesday, January 30, 2007

it is too hot in your country...ok, ok, OUR country

tho i love summer, and the speaking of the english so rocks!!!

in this post alison describes the ppl she hung out with through general descriptions and fun quotes taken out of context.

there were 8 of us, myself,

katherine, using her eyes, manipulates unsuspecting french men to carry her suitcase for her, which is understandable, seeing as it is twice her own body mass. ketki is far too intelligent, far too fashionable, and far too nice :D and we love her. emma has stepped straight from a historical/musical/comical/tragic/romantic/mystery film, and is anxious to return, preserving her being in the meantime in film by photographing herself. binafsha is quelquefois silent, then bursts out laughing at what she's thinking of...she also can be deadly serious. michael is the poster boy for katmandu, hates boots in any context, and can make presque anyone laugh. ANYONE.renée always has buckets of style and is resilient to the point that it's frightening, yet laughs. lives in elizabeth. selon elle, that says everything. however, i live in Sydney, so that goes over my head. jasmin deals with french people, life, confusing films and everything in between very similarly - calmly, yet watchful for the next opportunity to alert the authorities.

CONTEXT:Iced tea in a can
KA:the tea's weird...like watered down
ME:yeah, they do that
KA:(bitterly) Bastards

KA:You can't give birth when you're dead...or can you?

CONTEXT:Just before leaving one of the few cafes of Vichy
KA:Hmm,but maybe an english guy wouldnt swear
ME:I think they're actually quite fami-

RENEE:lets do something tonight
KA:Lets go get hospitalised...i want a drip!

EMMA:Yeah, i take photos of myself when i'm bored (takes photo of a sausage)

CONTEXT:conversation about conversations...in french
ME:it's really hard to fake surprise
EM:or interest

CONTEXT:bus trip, and photos
BINAFSHA:B tired, B sleep now. (puts coat over her head)
EM:ok alison, pose: you are a snail(B instantly rips coat off head, then inspects photos)
B:oh, you DO look like a snail!

CONTEXT:em's new hat
ME:Joli chapeau dude
KETKI:Oh!its a kepi!
EM:ok...yay, i have a kepi
KA:Sounds like a disease

CONTEXT:conversation de host families
KA: She's likes noone lives near here, and im like ok...she's like i am your only friend and im like ok...as long as you feed me...i'm best friends with everyone who feeds me...(shocked)i'm like a dog!

CONTEXT:on bus
ME:Has everyone got their seatbelt on?
B:Yes mum (ok, i know three ppl read that and laughed)
JASMIN:Not me, i'm just a rebel without a cause.

CONTEXT:odd names
JA:I know two brothers that are named Citizen and Wellington...they're really hot tho

CONTEXT:looking up words
KA:Yeah, nuque means nape of the neck
MICHAEL:What?naked men?!

CONTEXT:...french culture conversation...that went on a while
EM:Imagine...mixed french chinese food...stir-fried endive...with cheese...

CONTEXT:australia day evening...after wine...and singing of australian songs...
EM:I'd swear there's a song about koalas

EM:Yeah, anytime you're in trouble, just start kneeing the furniture

yes, i have put in french...its a subtle process...ill have you all speaking french before you know where you are!!!!hahahahahahahaha
"ah ah, en français!"

yeah, kidding, i love english so much.
night all, i am getting more tireder, and i haven't slept much...since sunday...what is it, tuesday?oh...good.
hugs, sparkle*


Eh? said...

ME:Has everyone got their seatbelt on?
B:Yes mum (ok, i know three ppl read that and laughed)

Lol that's exactly what I did lol...and now look at the consequences aiiiii...

Glad to hear you're back in one piece and had quite hilarious moments :) What else happened anyways?

Anonymous said...

We welcome you back to Our most excellent Empire, but we lament your sojourn to Our once enemy France.

Anonymous said...

It's Her Highness again!! Lol.

Ascasewwen said...

She's baaa-aaaack. lol

She must be bored because of the holidays.

Kat said...

About bloody time girlfriend!!! How am i supposed to ask wardrobe advice or gossip in general without you??? Welcome back :-)Did u get my Txt msg? (hmm I capitalized Txt...scary) Anyway...Party, My place, 3rd March. Be there. U have to come coz its my 21st! Your parents and Tommy are invited too! It's a small one, same people as my 18th. minus 3! huzzah!

Did you manage to sneak a Jean-Pierre or Jerome-Angelo back for me? (I dont know if the 2nd one is even a real name...) ;-)

Rebecca Johnson said...

Yay Alison is back! Now the craziness can once again resume. I'm glad you had fun, but am gladder you're back.

Geez, you and your friends just crack me up. I love it when you have your quotes!

Talk to you soon.

Kat said...
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Kat said...

Hurry up with Jerome-Angelo! Stop hogging him all to yourself :-P.

Hi All, I don't think Alison is really back at all...she hasn't posted in response to any of our silly, albeit loving, comments!

(sorry bout that deleted thing above-damn computers!)