Saturday, February 17, 2007

hey...does colour work on this thing?

1. Where are you right now? Sitting in front of the ordinateur in the dining room while something bad with ben stiller is on (don't get me wrong, i love some of his films)
2. What are you listening to right now? No music? Well, listen real hard anyway. Well, mum just changed the channel, so West Wing. is better. (is AWESOME!)
3. This yellow is hard to read, can you see anything yellow from where you are? the walls of my house...random stuff on the table behind me.
4. I watched Star Wars (I don't care what anyone says, Star Trek flies in warp circles around them) last night, yes all of them (god what a nerd) ... there should be a question here somewhere ... oh yeah, who, if any is your favorite character? Star wars...well, Leia obviously....but also the TINY BABY EWOK you see in the last film....when C3PO tells the stories...SO CUTE!
5. Speaking of nerdiness, do you have a secret nerdy thing? apart from the fact that i just revealed im on first-name-basis with star wars characters? how about the fact that i enjoy alliteration? and assonance? scared yet?
6. Should I go to bed now? Unfortunately, no. i have to clean the kitchen. Yahoo.
7. What is the most exciting thing to happen this year so far? oohh...i don't know...something that happened in France...or...whatever... ...... ... seeing theatre in france singing loudly in a cathedral with AWESOME accoustics in Nevers arriving HOME and seeing tom again hitting 1yr 9 months with said boy arriving at Christian Union meeting and seeing friends....or..whatever...
8. Are you, if you're in my competition, busy taking lots of good pictures? lots of AWESOME pictures.
9. What are you reading right now, would you recommend it to me? gah, im reading a french book, which i bought coz it was sci-fi and trashy and i just wanted to read in french...and discovered it was NOT brilliant.
10. Can you think of any more questions? Why can't robots clean the kitchen?
11. I'm sorry, I just have to do it, I'm embracing the cliche ... if you were on deserted island and could only have one item what would it be? a mango farm. and a Bible.
12. This is the last question, are you sad? i'm slightly frustrated coz i wanna go to a church in emu plains in the morning with Tom, but i can't get the car and he hasnt responded to my informing him of the fact. but not sad........not a lot.

FYI still painting!


Anonymous said...

Yes, colour does work! It looks very pretty

Anonymous said...