Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sigh...uni again....(sighs contentedly)

See, something just feels so right about all of this. i am feeling well, i don't have to go to work for a couple of hours, i painted last night, as well as pruning the garden yesterday, cooking, working for IGNITION!!!!(please go, you know you want to. really. if you say yes now i won't have to mention it again. think seriously before you cast that offer aside) reading the Bible...and just generally having a lovely day. while i yet again had to pay an exorbitant amount for uni books, at least i don't have to worry about it anymore and can set about replenishing the gaping hole in my account.

i have seen the Tea House and am thoroughly impressed. it is UNTHINKABLY clean! and organised...i'd live in the attic if they had one. how awesome would that be?

i am so rapt only having three subjects this semester. you may recall that last semester i was doing 5. this is better.

AND Kathy's 21st is coming up!!!!hurrah!!!go kathy - serious fun ahead...

ok, i have quotes from last monday night:
me: if in doubt - eat it. (yup, you're right, i DO accept NO responsibility for ANYTHING you do after hearing that - PARTICULARLY if you're a CU boy)

Katherine p:and this kid said 'if the church can afford to buy new swings, why can't i just have that whole packet of lollies?' and i said 'just shush'
kate: sit down.
katherine p :go and wash my car.

me: what did you do in NZ??
ben (or george, as we affectionately referred to him last thursday): climbed five mountains...
me: you geography people

Kate: i have pins and needles.
bec: i'll poke it?
kate:please don't.
bec:with my fork? - it has a bunny rabbit on it!!

Kate: i'm partially moved in
katherine p: then your insanity tolerance level will go woo OOOOOOO

lol, see?i did it right.
have a fantastic day everybody.
oh, btw - who goes to wednesday, and who goes to thursday, and who wants to be in a skit??
love nana.


Ascasewwen said...

*chuckles* Monday night was amusingly quotable. Or quotably amusing.

I'm glad you liked the teahouse. If we had an attic you would be installed in there in a flash.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you would!

I wish I'd been there on Monday. I was thinking of you all as I sorted boxes and cupboards in Queanbeyan!

I am hoping to be free on both Wednesday and Thursday - at this stage, definitely thursday. Count me in for anything you need me for, honey.

Kat said...

ignition? hmmmmmm. yay for kathy's 21st! fun fun fun. get those mirrorballs happening. :-D

Amanda said...

Yay for Ali!!! :)

When did you visit the TEa House?... I must have been somewhere else.

As for the Geology thing... tut tut! I thought better of you Nana.


Ascasewwen said...

lol She was at the Ignition meeting! You know, the night we ditched watching Lost on the tiny tv in the back room for the enormous tv in your room?

Anonymous said...

Manda...!!!! LOL!!

That shows once and for all that Lost was the most important element of that evening, for some anyway. He he he.

Bec said...

Ali, just to let you know that regalest is gone and my new blog is
Have a lovely day. And hurrah for the peter rabbit fork!

Kat said...

Hi Girl! i'll cya in 2 hours at tha concert!