Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I have the flu. I hate the flu. Everything looks like this, and i'm too heavy, and i'm overheated, and i can't breathe through my throat, and my stomach likes to keep me guessing - does it hurt because i only ate a little, or does it hurt because i ate?
not to mention the immense amount of frustration i get from...everything.


Ascasewwen said...

Not another one... you're all dropping like flies. Hope you're feeling light and well respirated and favourably disposed towards your stomach soon- I'll be praying for a quick recovery for you.

Eh? said...

I blame you for my sickness :P It just had to have come from you.

All your fault :P

Rest up mum and hopefully it'll pass soon :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ali, everyone is getting sick. No fun. Hope you feel better soon.

Love you

Kat said...

Heya sweety-Ohhhhh i hope you feel better soon! I had this flu bug twice, Actually i'm only feeling 100% again as of last night. Rest up, DRINK WATER. and sleep. loads of sleep. (i actually slept all day yesterday, and when i say all day i mean i went to bed at 2am on friday night and woke up 7pm Saturday evening)This thing knocks you for six, dont overdo stuff!! Say hi to your family from mine-if ya catch my drift! Luv u hun, chat 2 u later.

Anonymous said...

Hey weaver,

hope you are over the flu. The taiwan mission blog address is

Was great to see on friday night.

Take care,


Rebecca Johnson said...

Awww poor thing, are you feeling any better since I saw you last?

*hands over a virtual tissue*