Thursday, May 26, 2005

Little people are not the man!

Because this is probably the only form of publication i'll have for at least the next 10 years, i'll say this now to the 'public', i can't be expected to remember this a decade longer-
it has come to my attention that a random member of the public will mistake a little person for the man.
what does this mean?
A random member of the public is just...anyone. never a little person though.
A little person is someone who represents a corporation...who works and is the frontman, the visible representation of the coporation, could be a busdriver, a worker of a fast food chain/supermarket chain/department store chain...
*note, i dont speak for all these people...but i know what im talking about
this little person acts and works for the man. the man being the corporation, the bigger picture, the controlling variable, the one you stick it to because you can't beat the man.

Now, i have seen a free radical (you normal people) offended by, abuse and berate little people. this is apparently done because the free radical does not see that the little person, who says 'im sorry sir, i can't do that' is saying so because he works for the man, who is pulling his strings. the free radical can only see the little person in front of them, and believes they are the man, and is angry, for as we all know, the man likes to screw around with people.

But take note! this little person IS just like you, except that they need the money! they would probably comply if they were in charge-
but if you are even speaking to them, if they are the person you are able to speak to-
then they are almost always NOT the man! you can NEVER speak to the man!!
THEREFORE, do not get angry at a little person when they appear to be the reason for which your rights are being restricted. that's the man. he always does that.
rather, you should pity the little person, because they really would prefer to be on your side of the fence, but have fallen on hard times, and have had to sell their right to being cool, and their ability to stick it to the man. pity them, man. give them all a break.
you know they need it.

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