Thursday, June 23, 2005

it's all about perspective...

about time for another of my outlook on life entries...
i am very into finding analogies. i think for a while ALL THE TIME for different ways to express new concepts to myself and other people, so as to help us understand.
i think it's important to make an effort to understand things, or people. i (:D) can't stand intolerance....kidding...i really dislike intolerance, it makes me sad that sometimes it's just too much effort to see another person's point of view.
Jean Piaget (heh, i dont care if tommy calls me a nerd....i sound so damn cool) theorised that children go through several developmental stages, and about the concrete-operational stage (if i didnt pass that exam there is no justice in this world) children get over egocentrism...they become aware of other people's point of view. if you play hide and seek with a group including a four year old, when everyone else runs off to hide, the 4yo will often cover their face with their hands.
WE GET PAST THAT STAGE. we are able to comprehend other circumstances, other problems than our own. we should make the effort. it gets me when i dont, and it gets me more when other people dont...coz i like to feel superior obviously...
and i like my analogies. perspective-taking should be a priority. it hurts more when people decide not to care.
~NIGHT bubbles!

Friday, June 17, 2005

POP! goes the....:D

hey there everybody!
if anyone wants to know, and everyone does, getting your wisdom tooth extracted may not neccesarily be so bad!
tho my jaw is just now starting to ache...but it was taken out, like eight hours ago, and ive taken all the reccomended medication...
it wasn't as bad as the greece exam ive decided, particularly coz it was so quick, though i was UNBELIEVABLY scared beforehand....

i have the tooth, tom can't get over how long the roots more concerned with how not white it is...
local anaesthetic aint so bad, tho dr payne is really very qualified and proficient

it really did go pop...
and i don't believe i am missing any wisdom..though i almost got on the wrong bus just afterwards, but i'd had an OPERATION dammit!

man, jaw IS stiff!
and i need suggestions on what books to read to tom in Peel, i need him to know my favourite books...

Monday, June 13, 2005


ok, seriously people.
like, 4 couples....3 of which are my age, round the 20yo mark...
and while i a) respect their right to make their own decisions and b) recognise a few factors in the matches which makes now much more convenient than for typical ppl my age...
STILL!i am not even going to think about it till im finished uni/24 whichever comes LAST, and i think everyone needs to think about where they're heading.
and if not that, then just think about how it's freaking me out, coz it is.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

two gentlemen of verona, one i am rapt about, the other didn't get hit enough

went to see the bell shakespeare's two gents of verona...
loved it.
bell always do great stuff....
like, reading shakespeare is never quite enough, its like reading from sheet music. (i think someone's said that before me...just to reference HAH stupid edu psych ppl saying i cant do it)

this one was soo...just, incredible...
id describe it more, but id feel exactly like yr 12 where i had to do the same thing with shakespeare performances...just ask me bout it
ALTHOUGH, i wasnt happy bout how julia (wronged damsel) took proteus (cheating lying bastard)back when he said he was really really lacked something...
i mean (and if tom mentions the word nerd i shall scalp him) in midsommer(go the completely original anal-retentive spelling) night's dreamE , demetrius has kinda done the same thing, swearing to love one girl, then pursuing another, both julia and helena are WRONGED, but demetrius...
well, thanks to a handy spell, he loves her again...which now feels even fickler...
but then, at least she knows he wont ...
he swears to her how he loves her and he says how beautiful she is...
how his life wont be complete until etcetcetc...
ah! got it! he talks about the way he felt about the other girl (hermia) those feelings melting like the summer snow, and how the only object of his life is helena...
all proteus ses is here is his life's wish
and suddenly julia's like 'here is mine', without another word from him....
its too be heaps angrier i reckon...i woulda liked it better if she'd kicked him down and taken up with the other chap whose girlfriend died ages ago...
tho he legged it leaving her friend to die...
ok, just kicked him and went home and found someone better, or not.

i like to think i have high standards
kisses to my teddy bear
-and general other persons (dont laugh at me ppl)