Friday, June 17, 2005

POP! goes the....:D

hey there everybody!
if anyone wants to know, and everyone does, getting your wisdom tooth extracted may not neccesarily be so bad!
tho my jaw is just now starting to ache...but it was taken out, like eight hours ago, and ive taken all the reccomended medication...
it wasn't as bad as the greece exam ive decided, particularly coz it was so quick, though i was UNBELIEVABLY scared beforehand....

i have the tooth, tom can't get over how long the roots more concerned with how not white it is...
local anaesthetic aint so bad, tho dr payne is really very qualified and proficient

it really did go pop...
and i don't believe i am missing any wisdom..though i almost got on the wrong bus just afterwards, but i'd had an OPERATION dammit!

man, jaw IS stiff!
and i need suggestions on what books to read to tom in Peel, i need him to know my favourite books...

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