Friday, July 01, 2005

MY review!

realising this is actually my second film review, but i enjoy responding to my friends' requests for my blog, i feel special-er

MADAGASCAR, which i saw with tom.
:D:D:D oh much enjoyment! good intertextuality(ie referring to other...stuff, including the statue of liberty and american beauty...shrek-like etc, but american beauty references in a disney things? i question some people's....sense of propriety)
also, got a bit black, as the lion wanted to eat his friends....and isolated himself is the desolate evil areas of the island....
and the resolution, while logical and disney terms...left a bit wanting.
not only because of his singing, but coz of his second crown...that was fun.
so, in certain details...interesting...but GOOD on the whole, well picked tom, watch it ( im talking to you kimmy)ummmm......four stars? im new to this

WAR OF THE WORLDS (which i saw today with samuel)
wow. wow wow wow.
i saw book remake, tom cruise with steven spielberg, and thought ooohhh.that could suck so badly for so many reasons...
but is WELL done, according to sam it is fairly accurate to the book, though MUCH more graphic-(icky stuff in the end bits)
but tom cruise actually does quite well in my opinion, very believable, the whole thing sucked me in so well!
and the other actors...good stuff...specially whats-her-name.
oh, resolution..again, much logical-ness...bit of a let-down, but it's right, so i don't mind too much..i spose its only a let-down compared to typical hlloywood and of itself it works fine.
definitely worth a look. four and a half stars...would be five...but i refuse to give it five, five is reserved for the absolute KILLERS of the movie genre.


1 comment:

Tom Melbourne said...

Madagascar ROCKED!!!!!

See, told you it was a going to be a good movie, i distinctly remember seeing the trailer for it with you and telling you that we were going to go see it and you implied that you thought it was dodgy! Anyways, im glad you enjoyed it, go the Lemur King!

War of the Worlds sounds seriously cool, and even though i made you tell me how it ends ill probably go see it, sooo many people are saying how cool it is.

More movie reviews Missy! You are good at it!