Tuesday, August 23, 2005

so i haven't posted in a while...

man, i should tell more people about this blog...only tom and kim read it...IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND ARE NEITHER TOM NOR KIM THEN COMMENT!
woooow...i'm in such an odd mood. am isolated coz parents have been away, as well as elder sister...thus family all together again is something i look forward too immensely.
was talking to tom before and felt much better...he's better than a DVD, i must say...dvd's leave me feeling a lil empty inside sometimes...
ummm....am doing more maths assignments and its a scary processs...trying to love maths again....i can't help but feel a little evil.
GO KAT AND STEPHEN! and their very cool engagement party, which i enjoyed lots....esp the kareoke machine...so much evil in such a small computer...
i'll post again soon i promise!
once i have a life...
:P ~a

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I'm neither Kim nor Tom so I'm commenting.

You're truly a comment fiend huh?