Thursday, February 15, 2007

I've been manipulated and i don't like it. Mostly.

why have i been forced to change my blog to....ooh! ooh, look at that! the font! it's all...bigger...and nicer! ooh....ooh, it's all quite nice!
oh. well, that's ok then.
moving on (ahem)

So how is everybody? I'm pretty good actually...slept in, chatted to Tom, read my Bible, painted a picture, watched a dvd and had lunch, then cleaned my room and mended my jeans.
It doesn't SOUND all that glamorous, but it was a lovely day. Sleeping in was lovely, talking to Tom was great, Bible was Hebrews 3 (staying faithful, encouraging one another, being grateful for God's mercy) painting was awesome, and lunch and cleaning and jeans were enjoyable.

See? See my pretty picture? i love my paints...nobody rip off my pretty picture, it's mine, and i like it. looks better in real life anyway.

Anyway, i had a lovely day. My friends Chris and Rowe got married last saturday, was all lovely.
.....don't know what else...

ooh, and i saw Nyssa on monday!yay Nyssa! hmmmm...might put a link to herspace.

Anyway, i simply wanted to draw attention to a day i enjoyed, which happens every now and again, and should get more press.

Lots of love to everybody...yay uni's going miss it...course, you forget about the assignments...

OH! discussion topic - the govt apparently won't comment on earlier sex education in schools, preferring to state that they would simply hope that ppl would wait until they were older and more able to cope with the decision (to have sex). Now, earlier and comprehensive sex education typically responds in ppl waiting longer to lose their virginity and when they do, having safe sex.

I, being a christian, am of course of the opinion that sex is designed for marriage by God, who knows what He's doing, and i am obviously living in such a manner - being unmarried, thus waiting for marriage before having sex.

HOWEVER, am i wrong in thinking that simply sitting there saying 'please...please wait' is a worse idea than saying 'it would be a better idea not to, because God made it this way, but if you will, this is what you need to know...' considering that often in the first case, people are still having sex, but younger and with less reliable information, thus making worse and more dangerous decisions than those who make their choices as a result of the second statement?

while having sex outside of marriage creates so many complications and damages, surely safe sex outside of marriage is preferable, if it must be?

In a sentence, surely it is better to minimise the damage?

what do ppl think?
hah, now i gotcha thinkin'.
love, me


Rebecca Johnson said...

Revel in the lovely commentingness, k?

Hmm, very serious discussion point you have going here. I'd have to agree with you here that 'safe sex'-ed should be taught in schools. The reality of the situation is that the age for sexual activity is lowering and therefore teens should be thoroughly educated on appropriate issues.

Kat said...

yeah i agree with u ali. BTW-that is one Kick-ass painting! I love it :-) I'll swap ya one of your lovely paintings for a pair of earrings? hehe. OMG seaums and me! seamus and me....SEAMUS AND ME!!!! I am so delierously sickeningly happy i can't spell properly, hmmmm. Anyhoo, I'll cya @ my party! Can u beleive i'll be 21 in 2 weeks? whats with that?