Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I am a very naughty girl eating very naughty snacks and drinking very naughty milo...
coz i should be in bed.
But i'm not, so let's get over that.
Yes, i'm procrastinating and at the very least i should be working on my TEP290 presentation, but as i said, i'm not, get over it :P

Ignition -
Roxy: in case you were wondering, i value my life

James: i knew a pair of twins, one was left-handed and one was right-handed
Doug: were they naked?
(he had some form of a legitimate reason for asking that)

Me: yeah, coz nothing says fun like quoits!
Pete:except for a person...standing there...saying 'fun'

Tutor(today, during a presentation): come on, hurry up...no, the cockroach, not you.

GAH. i have assignments everywhere. and Tom's birthday is on SATURDAY - HE'LL BE 20!!
crazy, Tom no longer a teenager....

and i haven't finished working on his present.
Come to think of it, i haven't finished ANYTHING cept the assessment for today...and girls bible study...


Who likes my hair? i quite like it actually, gives me more OOMPH!
and as anyone will tell you, a lady could always use more oomph.

night people, sleep tight, hope we're all well, yay HOLIDAYS SOON!!!
x nana
p.s. Tom is so wonderful, he drove me to uni, he stayed around after he was finished, bought me dinner and drove me home!
AND he didn't even freak out when i had a panic attack bout my phone!
BACK OFF LADIES - i saw him first.
well, sorta.
but he's mine now mwahahahahahahahaha!!!


Ascasewwen said...

HA! I'm not the only one who converses with cockroaches!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Don't think that makes it any more excusable, young lady!! He he he.

Yay for post, and yay for quotes! He he he. Ah dear, life is amusing.

As I told you today, your hair looks lovely. As always! Although I like it better the colour it is now than black. :-)

Hurrah for Tom and his birthday!

Lots of love, Nana. :-)

Kat said...

WHAT??? Youve done your hair and DID NOT TELL ME!!! What kind of best friend are you? jk, u probly look fabulous! UP WITH SHOPPING! yes, we need to go shopping. when?