Thursday, June 14, 2007


Seriously. That's all i'm here to say.
Oh, and i'm feeling a lot better, i've been better informed about degree stuff, and i had my last ever french exam today, and it wasn't a total catastrophe.
See, i even found you all a calming soothing picture to show you how calm and soothed i am!
Hugs for all, sparkle*


Kat said...

Why do you have to do maths again? stupid education system-your a brave girl for studying to teach within it. 25 months with tommy! That rocks, but it seems like only a few months ago you were celebrating 12 months. how time flies!

As for being angry, i can go blow someone up if you like, im not to pleased with the eductation lot at the moment. However, revenge is a dish best served cold. MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Guess what? Matt showed up un-announced today. Sort of. YES!! THE MATT!!! him and aaron we co-conspiritors in a plot to kidnap me for lunch! hehe. but it sucked coz we only had an hour. OMG we have got to do....stuff. im beginning to forget what you look like again-i think i last saw you in march?! we should shop. no scratch that, i have no money, we should do a dvd night or something...yeah that sounds good. anyway, i shall stop typing now so your other friends have room to post.

luv Kathy ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yay for Tom posting - I know, found it and commented a while ago!! I was most impressed. he he he.

Hurrah for calm, contented Ali. :-) I am praying for you, my friend.

Lots of love! x

Wanda the Tree Lady said...

Give trees a chance!!!!!!!!!

Bec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bec said...

I mispelled.
second try:
Ali, may I just say that I thoroughly enjoy your writings. They remind me of your thoroughly idiosyncratic manner of speech. Which I also enjoy. Now to other matters: your last french exam. Does that mean you're going to drop french for good?

Amanda said...

ooohh... purdy picature.


Anonymous said...

OH ohohohohohohoh!!! WE did not stay till the END OF THE CREDITS for at worlds end..there was a bit!! at the end!!! i came accross it when i was loking on wikipedia. I wont type it out here coz i dont want to ruin the film for peeps who havent seen it, but if u want to know what happened after the end credits (and you do, you really do), read the entry for at worlds end on wikipedia. ENJOY!!

luv kathy

Anonymous said...

Who is this Wanda, infringing on Our territory of leaving mysterious comments? We are not amused!

Kat said...

Hi Wanda, are you A Fish?

Wanda the Tree Lady said...

Wanda the TREE LADY. Sure. I think I sound like a fish too. No, I'm just a person. A person who likes trees. That is all.
And I'd like to remind everyone that Queen Victoria is dead. So she is clearly infringing on everyone else's territory.

Anonymous said...

Actually Wanda, if you want to go into technicalities, if We're dead We're not infringing on anyone's territory unless someone else has taken a fancy to Our graveplot. If that is the case We have other issues- either the question of why a living person wants to steal an occupied grave, or why a dead person is partial to anything.

rainweb said...

OI! Enough with the post-humous debating on my blog!

Bec said...

As I said to Katus earlier, I guess we'll just have to show Wanda some respect and call her Miss Tree.

Ascasewwen said...

I'm sure I did this when you said it to me the first time, Bec, but once more, LOL!!