Saturday, March 08, 2008

I had to tell you...

It has been a time of priceless quotes:

At a youth leaders' meeting:
Chris: is there a reason we can't use playdough?
murray:there's some up there i think?
dave:doesn't that tick the lame box?

and later -
murray: ok, so we're not doing memory verse
chris:i'm down with that
dave: jiggy.

and moments ago with my sister...

meredith:(objecting to a children's book that used rhyming nonsense words) No! it has to mean something! like in wizard of oz, when they say "oh..what'll you do if they come after you?" "I'll...kick 'em in the groin!" But it rhymes!'

that is all.


Ascasewwen said...


I particularly like Meredith's.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alison,

I haven't been blog-reading for ages (bad Becca) but just wanted to say hi. Hi!

And tell Meredith she's hilarious. I don't quite remember that bit from WoO, but it sure sounded good.