Sunday, August 03, 2008


I have never been one to let go easily-
Let it die??? Go out with a bang??? How could this be contemplated??(go to matt's if you have NO IDEA what this is)
Blogging IS the hyperspace pensieve - when you have excess of anything and are lacking an audience (happens regrettably often), you either make your own tv show and rhapsodize J.D. style, or you go to your blog, and release your thoughts into the ether.
And when one's blog is a little slim, or one's readership seems in doubt, is this a reason to stop?
Which is not to say i don't love it when people read this, but one doesn't just write to be read, one writes to record.
You can't abandon this awesome place! Facebook is fun, but limited! Blogging is forever, or at least until the oil runs out.

Don't give up guys - the magic lives!

in other news, i am ill, and teaching, and think tom is HOT stuff!
:D i felt the ether cringe.
mWA! a*


Ascasewwen said...

Firstly, had you visited my blog in the past couple of months you would have seen a post warning of the impending closure of my blog. Contrary to popular belief I did not delete it, but I did change it so only I may access it. My reasons for this? I still reflect and record in writing, and have always done so separately from my blog. However I no longer wished to reflect publicly, nor spend hours writing posts that no one reads and that I can't protect from theft by rude people who don't respect copyright laws. That aside, there is nothing sadder than an abandoned blog and mine was turning into that as my inspiration for witty posts, or indeed any posts that didn't contain links to Richard Glover articles, waned.

As you saw, my craft blog is still alive and well and I thank you for your comment. I am quite happy to make you and Tom some useful items of sewn homeware, although for your own sake you'd be ill-advised to ask for curtains- the bigger the item the more it becomes apparent that I have great difficulty sewing a straight line. I have actually been pondering if there was anything I could make for you as I would far prefer to make you a wedding present than buy some impersonal mass produced item. So if there is anything you need or desire, ask and I shall tell you if it's within my abilities, otherwise I'll use my own judgement and surprise you.

As an aside, you were greatly missed on MYC, it just wasn't quite MYC without you and Bella there.

And I hope you cease to be ill very soon.

Ascasewwen said...

Hmm, I can work with those suggestions. I won't commit to anything because my level of ambition may change- in either direction. lol Do you have colour preferences?

I love the fact that I can use my creative urges to make presents for people.

Rebecca Johnson said...

Yay! I wouldn't want you to be all disappearing on me. Here I was all patiently waiting for you to post.

(who hasn't posted for a while herself)