Thursday, August 21, 2008

get wed!

First, i'd like to mention how much FUN Keating! was - thankyou, ABC2. guy who plays keating is very very cool :D props to the rap battle - question time should be like that!

Then i'd like to mention that it is 4 months and 19 days til my wedding. oh yes, we shall COUNT DOWN!

eh heh heh heh. bridey bridey bride.

if anyone's out there, they could get the party started by telling me what they think of the phrase 'love, honour and obey'
don't worry, you won't affect my marriage vows, i know what i will say and what tom will understand, but it'd be interesting to hear.

I'd also like to mention how many lovely people I saw at uni today WHILE I WAS IN A HURRY AND COULDN'T DAWDLE.
But it was lovely to see them briefly! Missed them greatly!

Furthermore, i get a headache when i move my head :(



Rebecca Johnson said...

1) Are you sick or did you hurt your head? Poor thing, I hope it gets better soon;

2) Yay for the countdown! How excited you must be; and

3) Hmm. My thoughts on 'love, honour and obey'. I'm of two minds here. Firstly, I'm not keen on the 'obey' - as I'm sure you yourself have considered. It's certainly not politically correct these days and it is definately acceptable to change/drop it from vows these days.

On the other hand, I love the traditionality of it. Spirit of the words, rather than the letter of the words, you know what I mean?

I'm not sure what I'd do for my vows. It's much easier to be the outsider giving opinions than making any firm decisions ;)

Anonymous said...

Love honour and obey? ummm no. do not like the word obey. how about love honour and cherish? x