Thursday, December 11, 2008

Something something, end of the year, happy happy, something something, red thing's connected to my wristwatch!

Sigh. I am happy.
Teaching was fun, I'm at this school fairly regularly now and it's so much fun, I'm known by everyone, so I feel welcome and loved :D
Fun stuff coming up with friends, Christmas is coming very soon...
and obviously, the wedding. of me. to tom.
God has taken very good care of me (obviously... He's God)but I also have learned more about trusting Him.

Something that still shakes me up is just being able to tell myself "Whatever is happening, and whatever I think is going wrong, God hasn't stopped loving me. He isn't busy doing something else. He hasn't forgotten me. He isn't annoyed at me. Whatever is happening, whatever I just did wrong, I am still in the palm of God's hand, and He has put me where He wants me to be. He has a plan for my life, and it involves me being right here, now."

Could sound a bit airy-fairy - i can only say this because Jesus' blood and life were shed to save me from damnation, and, resurrected, He now brings me into His Kingdom.

I mean, seriously, whatever is stupid and going wrong - God hasn't forgotten you! He's God! He doesn't forget anything! If it feels like you're stuck in a rut or nothing is happening or your plan hasn't begun to work - He's right there with you, and He is in control of all of it.

Yeah. This has definitely been learned recently.

BTW, did i mention i was having an awesome day? :D

hugs, a*

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Maybe I should eat something...

Another day. at home. jumping when the phone rings. doing assignments that would be utterly finished in moments if i cared. listening to whatever jumps out of iTunes. wearing a dressing gown. quite comfy, but resenting it.

casual work. still tired after walking for HOURS school to school yesterday. apparently all the teachers in the area are in good health.

it wouldn't be so bad if I'd done just ONE DAY of work - been called, gone somewhere, taught someone something, been paid once.

because part of the qualification of teaching is the experience. i can't call myself a teacher, i haven't taught!


Psalm 27. look it up. i will memorise it. i will make a song from it. i might do that now. wait... maybe i should eat something...

(lol i love symmetry)
love *a

Friday, September 19, 2008

Go to bed alison

lol, i just looked at the aye-aye again. i think they're awesome and not 'theoretically' so, as some commenters seemed to believe, but REALLY real!

I really should go to bed. I should be

but instead i'm
...woah, search wide awake in google images. crazy land.

I'm really tired of the present assignment, and it isn't going away like they normally do, and it's getting to me.
I know that coz my activity at youth group was not to standard. it's so so stupid, because God is so far in control of it i should not spend any time worrying, - i didn't even realise i had a problem and then suddenly there was an extension for my group (which i so needed)
It's just last one really. then i become a real person (on a casual basis).

Oh, yes, i remember - it is very warm. suddenly it seems this seems to mean any girl should ditch her dignity and wear mainly a lack of clothing.

I shall not participate in this. I have a better understanding of the ramifications of this action now. As a 17 year old girl who understood sometime she looked vaguely ok, i did not consider that modesty affected people other than myself. And boys are sposed to like how girls look anyway, so i didn't care.

Now i understand more clearly that that's just unkind. Guys don't need to see excess of skin, and, i'll say it, cleavage. that image sticks, but it is unwelcome for most guys i am friends with. even my fiancé doesn't want to see it - because if i'm not his wife, he does't want to know about it. my other guy friends think similarly.

tv says if you're attracted to it, take it. but we know that you shouldn't take anything that isn't yours.

We should care. we should want to be kind to our guy friends, both with and without wives. we should give them a break, coz life is difficult enough with the media shoving women's bodies onto everything they want to sell in a way i am unsettled by.
It's too hot, don't give yourself heat exhaustion.
but with shorts, skirts and shirts, inches count. think about who sees you and what they have to see.

when it comes to faces, deal with it. i've been getting uglier all my life. you'll just have to be scarred.

to sleep, perchance to dream - but not about vampire weddings (if u wanna know, ask)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ah...I remember this...blogging at all hours of the night...the mindless satisfaction...

if you recall my chinchilla post, which i believe was about how cool chinchillas look - get a load of this - an AYE-AYE!

HOW COOL IS IT? i first saw one on a video my prac class was watching (it climbed a branch, picked its nose and ate it. primary class. you can imagine)

The eyes are so coooool! i must have one!
The meaning of cute being ugly but interesting makes so much sense looking at this animal - check it out-

It's late, I've stayed up preparing a huge report eating reckless amounts of Lindt, and aye-ayes are the funniest thing in the world. here endeth the lesson.
xox *a

Thursday, August 21, 2008

get wed!

First, i'd like to mention how much FUN Keating! was - thankyou, ABC2. guy who plays keating is very very cool :D props to the rap battle - question time should be like that!

Then i'd like to mention that it is 4 months and 19 days til my wedding. oh yes, we shall COUNT DOWN!

eh heh heh heh. bridey bridey bride.

if anyone's out there, they could get the party started by telling me what they think of the phrase 'love, honour and obey'
don't worry, you won't affect my marriage vows, i know what i will say and what tom will understand, but it'd be interesting to hear.

I'd also like to mention how many lovely people I saw at uni today WHILE I WAS IN A HURRY AND COULDN'T DAWDLE.
But it was lovely to see them briefly! Missed them greatly!

Furthermore, i get a headache when i move my head :(


Sunday, August 03, 2008


I have never been one to let go easily-
Let it die??? Go out with a bang??? How could this be contemplated??(go to matt's if you have NO IDEA what this is)
Blogging IS the hyperspace pensieve - when you have excess of anything and are lacking an audience (happens regrettably often), you either make your own tv show and rhapsodize J.D. style, or you go to your blog, and release your thoughts into the ether.
And when one's blog is a little slim, or one's readership seems in doubt, is this a reason to stop?
Which is not to say i don't love it when people read this, but one doesn't just write to be read, one writes to record.
You can't abandon this awesome place! Facebook is fun, but limited! Blogging is forever, or at least until the oil runs out.

Don't give up guys - the magic lives!

in other news, i am ill, and teaching, and think tom is HOT stuff!
:D i felt the ether cringe.
mWA! a*

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I had to tell you...

It has been a time of priceless quotes:

At a youth leaders' meeting:
Chris: is there a reason we can't use playdough?
murray:there's some up there i think?
dave:doesn't that tick the lame box?

and later -
murray: ok, so we're not doing memory verse
chris:i'm down with that
dave: jiggy.

and moments ago with my sister...

meredith:(objecting to a children's book that used rhyming nonsense words) No! it has to mean something! like in wizard of oz, when they say "oh..what'll you do if they come after you?" "I'll...kick 'em in the groin!" But it rhymes!'

that is all.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Post with a purpose

heheh, i smiled while yelling. try THAT one.

Sunday, January 06, 2008



(sigh, i realise i've been waiting to scream and dance about this. who knew i needed to do it in hyperspace. maybe there i can jump higher...)
(i recently came back from beach mission, i have been catching up on sleep, and i am well, though my left ear does not appear to be functioning as desired)

Tom proposed to me on the same bus route that he had asked me out on, in very nearly the same format he asked me out in, ie he used post-it notes to draw my attention to his train of thought, and then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

my ring is at the shop getting re-sized. i have thin fingers. i do hope it doesn't suffer.

it is so strange, so much needs to be done, and each time i have no idea how to do it, because i've never been engaged before, which is a common experience. engagement party looks to be the 19th of april...i think...

I am very happy. life is obviously not perfect, as this world is covered in sin, and i still yearn more than anything for the return of my Saviour, and tom and i still get annoyed at each other from time to time (beach mission is a fatiguing place), but i am happy to be making this decision. i think i knew i was heading for it, knew it was in some sense likely, but now it's here it's quite startling.
while it is scary, i take time to reflect that it's not the wedding or the decorations that need to concern me - this is a decision to live with him, be with him, have him around permanently.
obviously that's not all marriage is, but it sounds quite nice.

he seems kinda happy too. :D

i've prayed that if this is God's will, it will happen, and if it isn't, it won't. tom and i have, only because of God's Holy Spirit, sought to make sure that our relationship is centred on God, and only in Him are we secure. that our combined lives will find meaning not in one another but in Him. that our love for one another is not in itself the key, but the love that flows from Him.

i've read in a christian book recently - once you're married, that man instantly becomes Mr Right.

i know tom isn't perfect, but i love him, and once we're married, i know and pray that the Holy Spirit will strengthen me to keep loving him, for the rest of this life.
