Saturday, December 10, 2005

it is very very hot.

hey all
my boyfriend did it again. just up and LEFT!
it's late at night(ish) what will i do?
so here i am.
ok, so he didnt leave me so much as go on holiday for about 5 days.
i am well aware i am obsessed with him.
i deliberately didnt put that in capitals. im weaning myself off them. but i am quite excited about less than jake...i've been ODing on 'Anthem' goooooooooood.
night. its too hot FYI

Friday, November 25, 2005

we aint got no place to go - SO LETS GO TO THE PUNK ROCK SHOW!

because kimmy compels me...
kimmy is in Dubai! how crazy!
and tom has actually posted! even more crazy!
im going to france! crazy crazy crazy.
the motor registry is completely booked out for ages!
thats not crazy, thats just damn stupid!
am going to see LESS THAN suddenly one of those people that go to rock/ska concerts and see rock/punk bands...i always thought those people were sooo cool.
and now i know i was wrong.
lol, back hurts, am tired, cant drive good, but have no exams!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


What would I give, to live
where you are.
What would I pay, to stay here beside you.
What would I do to see you, smiling at me?
Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun,
Just you and me,
and I could be
Part of your world...

For my sweet one!
Nicole remarked today that T&me were sickening the way we snuggled together-
'sides, I've seen couples who really WERE sickening, and nasty,
but i think a couple who look like they really care about each other are sweet!
I think it's more what Kathy once said, 'On one hand, it's great, and we're really happy for you,
On the other, we just wanna kill you for it.'
But let me tell you, Thomas is worth it!

xoxoxoxox(n)ooooxxoxoxoxo hot stuff,
for everyone else......o......:D

there is nothing wrong with being happy.
oh....and if, like sarah, you once saw me and wanted to say hi, but saw i was...occupied...SAY HI ANYWAY, I'LL LIVE. SO WILL TOM.

ask kathy how it works, she'll tell you :P
here's to six more, or more!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

yo yo YO!

ok. i can take the pressure.
exams soon, damn.
assessment due soon.
driving lessons to do so as to obtain p's.
france stuff of every description.
6 month final prep.
money must be made.
beach mission work (of sorts).
faith in God faith in God faith in God.....
but then, i am no. 4 in Becca's quiz!
so it's all ok.

go me on the GUITAR!. i so kick **** btw.
lol, no-one knows what i actually meant there
ok, copious capitals means i should leave.
bye my lil chickadees (and respected associates)
p.s. GO LESS THAN JAKE! LOVE IT! (except when on scratched cd's thomas!)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

hey howdy hey

hey y'all
yay. go blackadder. go reel big fish. go everybody!
i have started learning guitar - CHORDS, if you're's so much fun ppl! 'sides, if i were to ever be a singer in a band, i'd have more cred if i could play guitar. and i can, a little now. how cool.
live life people. i can drive good now.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Tee hee...duh

pure heart
You are in a relationship that is filled with love
and happiness!

What is you love life like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, October 20, 2005

so...I haven't been on-I HAVE A LIFE PEOPLE!

Go people at my party. If you weren't there, you rejected me and I shall have to hunt you in the cyber-realm. Oh yes, it shall be done.
Assignments at uni etcetc, HOLIDAYS SOON!kimberley is cool coz she was at my party so comment on her blog. And kathy too, for same reason.
Now that i'm older....I'm exactly the same....just older...
ok, this post was mainly to say i havent forgotten you all. how could i, tom keeps telling me to post.
~love, me

Monday, September 26, 2005

oh the desolation of my...oh wait, no, i'm just ill

hey all (all 3 of you that is, unless someone else would just comment, darnit!)
actually, i am slightly desolated! my boyfriend is away, and IF he gets all his assignments finished PRONTO, then and only then i can see him-but only in 3 or 4 days! whatever shall i do???
i wrote a song for him actually...yes another one.....
but i would simply like to record my missingfulness of him. which is in abundance. and it's not even so much for his tight hugs or loverly kisses(which-i would like to make it clear- i am not discounting the value of) it's for HIM. and being held by him.
oh why not, im gonna go on for a bit, if you dont like it, you dont have to read it.
i miss talking to him and listening to him and walking along and playing silly games and stopping him being silly very quickly and happily and looking in his eyes and....oh, everything.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

ah, the art of underestimation...

it's odd.
I know it's apparently the tall poppy syndrome or something, but no-one wants to say they're any good at anything...or that they are special in any way...
i mean, saying, i am good at ... is not to say im better than everyone else in the whole world at...
but maybe we interpret it that way?
are we threatened by people claiming abilities? is pretending everyone is the same more reassuring for people who don't feel special?
is it possible that the people who don't feel special actually are special, but have forgotten they were, or suppressed it, so that someone else could be reassured??
well...maybe not. i personally don't understand myself when my boyfriend says im pretty...because i think deep down i think i look good, but when he says it i feel like he's just saying it, that it couldn't be true.
how does a person accept a compliment these days?


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

getting a passport is hard

there have been several stuffups on the part of the establishment in general which have retarded my efforts to get a passport.
i have been very accomodating of these people, very polite on the phone when they WAKE ME UP IN THE MORNING to tell me something else is wrong,
OH, and they all want too much money. it's hard to tell if i'm actually applying legitimately, or if i'm just bribing the post office.
tho i try to shun the cornish strange accented one, i kinda go for a weird yorkshire/jack sparrow mix
then tha' shalt see that i truly rule the waves like the bonny lass i am!

Monday, September 19, 2005

LAN tribute

i believe i mean a LAN and not a WAN, ask anyone from yr 10 computing and they'll tell you i'm not exactly in with the lingo and the deeper understanding of computers that its use entails.
-sorry, it's been a while since i posted...i'm a little full of words.
Tom and i went to Stephen's 19th last night/this morning....
was in fact my first time with a LAN, and was slightly apprehensive going in on my own eventually with Age of empires II, but i enjoyed myself immensely (yes, im a nerd, but it's tom's fault...)
what with my continuing wars with my neighbor over whether or not i had the right to burn down his lumber camp and whether or not he had a right to march a....large amount of catapults into my city centre and threaten to decimate it unless i became his ally, and of course my trade complications and dead sexy seige onagers etc....
if that meant nothing to you....
i'm sorry...i used to be there...but computers suck you in. just like tv. except this was worse...COMPETITION ;D
believe me, if you knew what i was talking about it'd be cool.
if you know what i'm talking can tell i'm completely disorganised and probably(not definitely) survived due to tom's gifts of wood, stone and gold.

ALSO, have upped my record of staying awake...was on a yr 12 camp and made it to 4am, thanks about 3 hours sleep..was unfun.
last night easily made it to about 5, woke at 7:40...was great. managed to feel sane enough to do kids church...then walk home and fall into bed.
i think i did well though. i felt as though i had slept ages.

oh, and just for social commentary....what is with people getting drunk whenever social decorum permits it?
people stumbling about, spilling beer..screaming with joy at everything...then just screaming...
drunk people allow standards of entertainment to be lowered coz they don't care...and the sober of us left have to deal with 3rd-rate entertainment...
i mean...i've seen some of my friends drink...and i'm not blind, i can see that some are craving any kind of release from things they've known...ironically the very things that resurface when they do get drunk...
but some people get drunk be cause they can't be bothered being more inventive, and don't understand that control over themselves and their actions is more valuable than they give it credit for being.
if alcohol is the only thing standing between you and boredom, and a possible crisis of identity and being....
then there is nothing standing between you and boredom, and a possible crisis of identity and being.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

soooooo...i'm the point that i'll overlook shocking spelling

You're first kiss will be beautiful. You're very
intune to the things around you and are a
slight perfectionist. Your love is pure, and
whoever you choose to share it with is lucky.
You're very romantic and know how to treat
people. Your kiss is a very strong part of your

What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
People see love in your eyes. You either love
everyone around you ooor...somebody's in
loooove, no? Seriously, though... You seem to
have a lot of love in your heart right now.
You're singing songs and picking flowers...or
at least you feel like doing so. And we can't
forget floating on air, right? Well, don't let
anyone ruin that for you, and if things don't
turn out...don't worry over it. There are worse
things, and you know it.

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
brought to you by Quizilla
Content love
You will have a Content love. Not
boring, but without fights and problems. You
will just... be in love. Simple as that. As a
person, your not the one who laughs highest or
most often, nor the one in the dark corner
crying. You are the one who sits watching
everyone else, often with a little smile
playing on your lips. To you, life is good and
you will get what you wish for. You will fall
for someone who is himself, and lets you be

Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars?
*cough*rate*cough* ^^

What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


REEL BIG FISH and GOOOOOOOOOLDFINGER are having a concert, and i'm GOING!!!
YAHOO dammit!
tom and i picked up the tickets and all his friends are going, so we'll all have heeeeeeeaps of fun....
uuummm...yeah, i dont know if i maybe like goldfinger more....
i mean, ill always love reel big fish...but i've got a lot of loving to give....and goldfinger have some so-beautiful songs...
oh, that is the funniest song.
ok, NOW i am finished,
oh, btw,
it was kind of a given, but just in case you missed it....
even tom was surprised.

so i haven't posted in a while...

man, i should tell more people about this blog...only tom and kim read it...IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND ARE NEITHER TOM NOR KIM THEN COMMENT!
woooow...i'm in such an odd mood. am isolated coz parents have been away, as well as elder sister...thus family all together again is something i look forward too immensely.
was talking to tom before and felt much better...he's better than a DVD, i must say...dvd's leave me feeling a lil empty inside sometimes... doing more maths assignments and its a scary processs...trying to love maths again....i can't help but feel a little evil.
GO KAT AND STEPHEN! and their very cool engagement party, which i enjoyed lots....esp the kareoke much evil in such a small computer...
i'll post again soon i promise!
once i have a life...
:P ~a

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


now im REALLY annoyed at computers and admin!
i was angry this arvo coz i cannot get to my uni results online for love nor money, despite some intricate mis-information by a very patient IT guy, and there is no other way to get these exam results, so i have to go into uni tomorrow....
AND i was writing a blog and pressed the wrong button and it all blanked out

christian bale (who was in little women and midsummer night's dream (with michelle pfieffer and rupert everett :D) in case you were wondering, was killing mum and i) does very well...wasn't annoying, was original
katie whatshername...yes, good, was the conscience of the film, which worked with her...if she'd been a love interest she would have annoyed the life out of me, but as it is she's ok, did what she was meant to, credible.
ummm...butler, guy in several things...dirty rotten scoundrels, for one...anyway, smaller role, did fine.ah! micheal caine!
liam neeson, typical, no problems with him
ooh, morgan freeman, liked him, was pretty cool....was a little convenient to have all the gagets...but not too bondlike so ok, he was a good character.
was well done, i cried in the sad bit, so much character development you couldnt move, LOVE IT, very much appreciated the whole bat thing, was scared he'd picked bats coz, you know, he wanted to like, merge with the night or some crap like that, but the line, when's he asked why bats 'bats frighten me' more human, more it me or does this film have an IQ?!
liked the conscience thing going throughout the film, hmmm...the conclusion was extremely logical and subtle...was waiting for more of a surPRISE, but did work, so ok. loved the end.
4 stars

Friday, July 01, 2005

MY review!

realising this is actually my second film review, but i enjoy responding to my friends' requests for my blog, i feel special-er

MADAGASCAR, which i saw with tom.
:D:D:D oh much enjoyment! good intertextuality(ie referring to other...stuff, including the statue of liberty and american beauty...shrek-like etc, but american beauty references in a disney things? i question some people's....sense of propriety)
also, got a bit black, as the lion wanted to eat his friends....and isolated himself is the desolate evil areas of the island....
and the resolution, while logical and disney terms...left a bit wanting.
not only because of his singing, but coz of his second crown...that was fun.
so, in certain details...interesting...but GOOD on the whole, well picked tom, watch it ( im talking to you kimmy)ummmm......four stars? im new to this

WAR OF THE WORLDS (which i saw today with samuel)
wow. wow wow wow.
i saw book remake, tom cruise with steven spielberg, and thought ooohhh.that could suck so badly for so many reasons...
but is WELL done, according to sam it is fairly accurate to the book, though MUCH more graphic-(icky stuff in the end bits)
but tom cruise actually does quite well in my opinion, very believable, the whole thing sucked me in so well!
and the other actors...good stuff...specially whats-her-name.
oh, resolution..again, much logical-ness...bit of a let-down, but it's right, so i don't mind too much..i spose its only a let-down compared to typical hlloywood and of itself it works fine.
definitely worth a look. four and a half stars...would be five...but i refuse to give it five, five is reserved for the absolute KILLERS of the movie genre.


Thursday, June 23, 2005

it's all about perspective...

about time for another of my outlook on life entries...
i am very into finding analogies. i think for a while ALL THE TIME for different ways to express new concepts to myself and other people, so as to help us understand.
i think it's important to make an effort to understand things, or people. i (:D) can't stand intolerance....kidding...i really dislike intolerance, it makes me sad that sometimes it's just too much effort to see another person's point of view.
Jean Piaget (heh, i dont care if tommy calls me a nerd....i sound so damn cool) theorised that children go through several developmental stages, and about the concrete-operational stage (if i didnt pass that exam there is no justice in this world) children get over egocentrism...they become aware of other people's point of view. if you play hide and seek with a group including a four year old, when everyone else runs off to hide, the 4yo will often cover their face with their hands.
WE GET PAST THAT STAGE. we are able to comprehend other circumstances, other problems than our own. we should make the effort. it gets me when i dont, and it gets me more when other people dont...coz i like to feel superior obviously...
and i like my analogies. perspective-taking should be a priority. it hurts more when people decide not to care.
~NIGHT bubbles!

Friday, June 17, 2005

POP! goes the....:D

hey there everybody!
if anyone wants to know, and everyone does, getting your wisdom tooth extracted may not neccesarily be so bad!
tho my jaw is just now starting to ache...but it was taken out, like eight hours ago, and ive taken all the reccomended medication...
it wasn't as bad as the greece exam ive decided, particularly coz it was so quick, though i was UNBELIEVABLY scared beforehand....

i have the tooth, tom can't get over how long the roots more concerned with how not white it is...
local anaesthetic aint so bad, tho dr payne is really very qualified and proficient

it really did go pop...
and i don't believe i am missing any wisdom..though i almost got on the wrong bus just afterwards, but i'd had an OPERATION dammit!

man, jaw IS stiff!
and i need suggestions on what books to read to tom in Peel, i need him to know my favourite books...

Monday, June 13, 2005


ok, seriously people.
like, 4 couples....3 of which are my age, round the 20yo mark...
and while i a) respect their right to make their own decisions and b) recognise a few factors in the matches which makes now much more convenient than for typical ppl my age...
STILL!i am not even going to think about it till im finished uni/24 whichever comes LAST, and i think everyone needs to think about where they're heading.
and if not that, then just think about how it's freaking me out, coz it is.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

two gentlemen of verona, one i am rapt about, the other didn't get hit enough

went to see the bell shakespeare's two gents of verona...
loved it.
bell always do great stuff....
like, reading shakespeare is never quite enough, its like reading from sheet music. (i think someone's said that before me...just to reference HAH stupid edu psych ppl saying i cant do it)

this one was soo...just, incredible...
id describe it more, but id feel exactly like yr 12 where i had to do the same thing with shakespeare performances...just ask me bout it
ALTHOUGH, i wasnt happy bout how julia (wronged damsel) took proteus (cheating lying bastard)back when he said he was really really lacked something...
i mean (and if tom mentions the word nerd i shall scalp him) in midsommer(go the completely original anal-retentive spelling) night's dreamE , demetrius has kinda done the same thing, swearing to love one girl, then pursuing another, both julia and helena are WRONGED, but demetrius...
well, thanks to a handy spell, he loves her again...which now feels even fickler...
but then, at least she knows he wont ...
he swears to her how he loves her and he says how beautiful she is...
how his life wont be complete until etcetcetc...
ah! got it! he talks about the way he felt about the other girl (hermia) those feelings melting like the summer snow, and how the only object of his life is helena...
all proteus ses is here is his life's wish
and suddenly julia's like 'here is mine', without another word from him....
its too be heaps angrier i reckon...i woulda liked it better if she'd kicked him down and taken up with the other chap whose girlfriend died ages ago...
tho he legged it leaving her friend to die...
ok, just kicked him and went home and found someone better, or not.

i like to think i have high standards
kisses to my teddy bear
-and general other persons (dont laugh at me ppl)

Saturday, May 28, 2005

pauvre fille...

hey...just checking in, and reminding everyone to count their blessings that they didn't just get 20 yrs...
i mean, her best hope is to get moved to an australian jail...
and as soon as she gets to australian waters, appeal like hell...
not that there's much hope, a condition of the move is usually that the person has to do the same sentence...
but a better chance with the australian system than theirs...
not that ours isn't screwed too...especially when politics gets involved...
there isn't a great deal of hope...
but she is not the first victim.

~ :'(

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Life is good and bad. You know it can never be
perfect and that it never have been, and you're
fine with that. You still feel it's important
to live life since it can end any day and not
sulk because of some little failure in life.
You are often a happy person, still you don't
laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm
aura and most people feel comfortable around

How do you see life?
brought to you by Quizilla

Little people are not the man!

Because this is probably the only form of publication i'll have for at least the next 10 years, i'll say this now to the 'public', i can't be expected to remember this a decade longer-
it has come to my attention that a random member of the public will mistake a little person for the man.
what does this mean?
A random member of the public is just...anyone. never a little person though.
A little person is someone who represents a corporation...who works and is the frontman, the visible representation of the coporation, could be a busdriver, a worker of a fast food chain/supermarket chain/department store chain...
*note, i dont speak for all these people...but i know what im talking about
this little person acts and works for the man. the man being the corporation, the bigger picture, the controlling variable, the one you stick it to because you can't beat the man.

Now, i have seen a free radical (you normal people) offended by, abuse and berate little people. this is apparently done because the free radical does not see that the little person, who says 'im sorry sir, i can't do that' is saying so because he works for the man, who is pulling his strings. the free radical can only see the little person in front of them, and believes they are the man, and is angry, for as we all know, the man likes to screw around with people.

But take note! this little person IS just like you, except that they need the money! they would probably comply if they were in charge-
but if you are even speaking to them, if they are the person you are able to speak to-
then they are almost always NOT the man! you can NEVER speak to the man!!
THEREFORE, do not get angry at a little person when they appear to be the reason for which your rights are being restricted. that's the man. he always does that.
rather, you should pity the little person, because they really would prefer to be on your side of the fence, but have fallen on hard times, and have had to sell their right to being cool, and their ability to stick it to the man. pity them, man. give them all a break.
you know they need it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Yeah yeah yeah, it's depressing as hell, but look at the pretty pictures! that's me!!

Your connection with darkness is through your
depression. Hated, sad and often feeling
lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the
real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away
from the world since you don't want to be hurt
and betrayed again. Music gives you the
understanding you need to get through, it's
your "therapy". Or you express
yourself through art or writing. Chances are
you're also an anti-social person, who only
likes being with close friends, if even that.
The world has finally showed it's true face for
you and you wish life wasn't this miserable to
live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in
the future, but right now you're just hiding
away from the world. Who needs people anyway?

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

ok, im kinda narcissistic...but this is fun

Light element
Your element is Light. Your heart is pure and
shining with love. You believe in the goodness
of those around you and give almost everyone a
smile. You are not the kind to hide your
happiness and tend to smile all day long, both
in and out. But when sadness hits you, you
become very devastated and may be upset for
quite some time. What you need in your life is
friends, friends who will love you
unconditionally, like you love them. But you
have a naive nature and don't always notice
when someone is trying to hurt you. Some would
say you are oblivious to mean people, which
makes you an easy target. However, your true
friends will probably be there for you and save
you. In school you are either the popular one
or the little weird one. It all depends if
"the higher people" find your caring
side irritating or not. Nevertheless, you have
a bubbly personality and are social. Big partys
may not be your thing since you want bonding
time with your friends, so slumber-partys fit
you more. You like the happy things in life and
like everyone else to be as happy as you are.
Rate and message!

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I um...i have a boyfriend...and i didnt post the day he asked me out, i was tired...but i'm now rather happy to announce it....
i think EVERYONE should know!
and i also am in a band...which will be good as soon as i actually start practising and jamming etc with them...hint hint
little else to contribute except that buses are better than trains and all the weirdos need to leave maisie alone...she should be hassled by some 19th c styled male models for a change....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


i have always wanted to be in a band.
i can't play any instruments, save flute, which...i like, but not for an average band kinda thing,
i love to sing, and actually don't suck at it as much as my enthusiasm would suggest...
and one of my friends is actually (or was) IN a band...
and if im a very good girl, i might be someday too.....
there is something about a band that solo music lacks....
a kind of bonhomie, ésprit de corps, group vibe thing...
so, in summation...

Monday, May 09, 2005


ok, it's not funny anymore, it pisses me off something severe....
o, this song rocks.....
sorry everyone, but technology is retarded.


hey there,
recently i had been hearing about ska music ( i'm....ever so very slightly ashamed to admit i didnt know how it was spelt...but i am a lot not caring) and didn't really give it much thought as i only knew the might etc bosstones...which isn't my favourite music at all.
i recently heard a song by hepcat, and am now something along the lines of HOOKED(i know, there is practically no modality in my speech - whatever)
it is funky, it makes me danse....
i mean dance ( i'm so french, ah hohohon)
that or i can't spell for pittance when im this tired, i am quite tired....
and i have uni tomorrow!
oh! the song is playing!

Sunday, May 08, 2005


hey there,
recently i had been hearing about ska music ( i'm....ever so very slightly ashamed to admit i didnt know how it was spelt...but i am a lot not caring) and didn't really give it much thought as i only knew the might etc bosstones...which isn't my favourite music at all.
i recently heard a song by hepcat, and am now something along the lines of HOOKED(i know, there is practically no modality in my speech - whatever)
it is funky, it makes me danse....
i mean dance ( i'm so french, ah hohohon)
that or i can't spell for pittance when im this tired, i am quite tired....
and i have uni tomorrow!
oh! the song is playing!

Friday, May 06, 2005

kingdom of BOREDOM

don't go see it. really. unless you've already eaten and have several hours to kill and are with someone who doesn't mind you talking through it and talking themselves, sometimes for the pure sake of getting it out of your system how bad something was "you are your father's son''how can you be in hell when you're in my heart' (a big hello to my brother in pain thom) then it won't work out to your advantage.
there are good bits, and good points, but you have to make your own entertainment sometimes....
oh, and btw, DRIVING AT NIGHT SUX. it really does. you can't see a thing, so if someone was really annoyed at a learner tonight...not that people ever aren't annoyed at us.... then i'm sorry, but it's difficult, and im just impressed im alive.
oh, and french grammar sucks. no-one wanted to know, people who know think it's self-evident...
but i have to express it. it really is the pits to try and get into your head.
i love you all when im not driving - (at that particular time i want you to get the hell away from me)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Missionary work...and hats

at bible study we were looking at missionary work done in Ethiopia..the Sudan... Egypt....
its serious stuff.....
very provoking for me, coz i may at some point do some work...wherever ppl will put me...
there are serious problems- other news, the sky is blue.

also in other news.....i still can't get over that ruddy hat i saw today...sherlock holmes style, but with furry bits..and...
and amelia says 'why don't you put the front flap down?'
and tommy says 'but that would look uncool!'
.....................................sometimes you have to wonder about some ppl.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

IT'S EXTORTION, that's what it is!

maybe i just like the sound of my own voice...or the look of my own typing...

i have a gift voucher for a certain perfume company.....
however, it appears they sell nothing at the price of the gift voucher!!
(notice my quite commendable discretion)
if you can't get something for nothing these days then what kind of society do we live in??
sure...i may have quite enough perfume already...and maybe i don't have incredibly discriminating taste...and maybe i had no interest in buying perfumes until i recieved the gift voucher...
but all of these points are irrelevant!
.......oh well, ill just have to wait until ive saved up enough so that i can buy something which is reduced by the meagre amount on the voucher....
witness the breaking of the protesting spirit, and the bowing to coporate will....

Monday, May 02, 2005

which actually means i could completely screw this whole thing up by changing the time and dates etc.....and making the whole thing unreadable...
probably wouldnt affect many of you, but it'd piss kimmie off a good deal.


if you're trying to find my 3rd post, it's after my 1st, i forgot to change the time again!
i love the complete lack of logic! it's so ME!

yeah, well i never said i got it

i know iknow, it posted twice.
i don't CARE!, at least it exists! i wanted to adjust the time, so i pressed stop, but it screwed up!
anyway, am going to try to do profile now

and we're back

after almost years of kimmi shoving me and not leaving me alone, and tommy's comment that the world was deprived of my genius, i became incensed, and finally found once more, how to get my blog working.
Hi everyone!
not much is going on, but feel the relief that you all get to hear me, day after dayafter day.....
it's going to be a beautiful thing

Sunday, May 01, 2005

it all works!

everyone! rejoice! i have a new blog and profile and EVERYTHING! i am very enthusiastic here. although that could be coz im so tired, i went to kids church and helped, then walked to work, worked 12-5, then went to churchagain ...
and i have UNI tomorrow! isnt it all WONDERFUL!!
ok, gonna make ppl post comments, and then ill go to bed.
kisses and love to all

and we're back

after almost years of kimmi shoving me and not leaving me alone, and tommy's comment that the world was deprived of my genius, i became incensed, and finally found once more, how to get my blog working.
Hi everyone!
not much is going on, but feel the relief that you all get to hear me, day after dayafter day.....
it's going to be a beautiful thing